
  • glynnis became a registered member 7 years, 2 months ago

    • Hi alumnus
      Sorry to hear about your husband.
      It is nearly a year to the day that my husband was diagnosed with mm.
      This was via A&E has His sternum had fractured and he had 4 spinal fractures.
      Much like your dear husband,mine was a fit 63 year old working everyday on our small farm,and the gp kept saying it was muscle pain.!!!
      He could lie down and slept in a chair.
      Well 1 year on after a 6 week initial stay in hospital,and wearing a spinal brace for 6 months, 5 cycles of VTD and a stem cell transplant 6 weeks ago,he is out of pain,pottering about and getting stronger.
      He has lost 5 inches in height and has a curved spine and yes he still aches,but not that horrible pain.
      So with adaptations to cater for his new height and the fact he can never really bend again,life is good.
      I felt very alone and scared as he’ll when all this kicked off,and this is my first post for many months,but I made a friend through this forum whose husband was diagnosed at the same time as mine and we literally helped each other along in those first dark months.
      We now speak regularly and email each other once a week to catch up.
      Her husband also has lost height through spinal fractures and had a stem cell transplant in January and is doing well and they are even moving house..
      So never think you are going on,we have all been there,it is tough at times but try to remain positive,there are great treatments out there.
      And remember to take care of you.
      The best of wishes to both of you.

      • Ann, thanks so much for your reply. I am up early again as sleep for me is difficult. My husband was never offered a back brace and stem cells were spoken of but now they are saying his age is against him. This was never an issue at first as he never looked his age and everyone one at the hospital was saying his biological age was a lot younger. I do actually feel very alone as I am the only one to see his really down days he is or was a very smart looking well dressed man, but now has lost 2-3 inches in height. We live rural now travelling has been very painful and bad as not treated at one hospital we are between Hereford, Cheltenham, and Gloucester and also Birmingham so have had to go to all. After your reply I am wondering if I should push for stem cells. The wait was so long for kyphoplasty after 5 months we had to go privately. I also feel we will,have to move house as it is too much to manage. Did the hospital recommend a back brace my husband has tried a little back support that we got at the sports shop but no one has mentioned anything. Sorry to go on but I really thank you for your reply.