
  • aimeemelissa became a registered member 6 years, 1 month ago

    • Hi..first of all sorry to hear about your mams diagnosis of’s treatable but as yet not’s a life limiting cancer but a lot of us on here have had myeloma awhile ..I myself have had it for more than 5 years…and had really good “remission” time between the various treatments I’ve start with maybe change diet to fruit and veg based foods this will help enormously plus plenty of fluids..get as much info as you can..knowledge and keep asking questions..I do a lot of alternative therapies..these really help me mentally and physically..oh cancer thrives on sugar and stress so try to take both out of the equation asap..and try not to hindsight I did as we all probably did on initial diagnosis..but it really does not immune system as much as possible as it has been broken.. so it needs correct foods and positive mental mindset to give it half a chance to heal again.. people live a long time with myeloma ..I and many others can vouch for this 🙂
      God bless