
  • tom started the topic It's Back in the forum Treatment 11 years, 3 months ago

    Hi everyone
    Well am sorry I have to tell you my Myeloma has kick started itself back into our life’s .

    After four years of remission I got the results Thursday (5th dec) having a BMB on the 30th Dec then pet scan (date to be arranged) then in new year discussion with consultant about new treatment I will be having.

    Was it a shock yes wanted more remission but that’s not to be so it’s a dust down and get on with it.

    Might be Velcade and something I think so any advice (scary or not) can do with.

    Hope your all doing well.

    Tom onwards and upwards x

    • Well Tom my Mum started Velcade and dexy she only had two injections but it started to work, they gave it sub cutaneously not i/v as it appears that there is less peripheral neuropathy if its given that way hope it helps to know that, sorry that you have had that news now but you will kick it back again Tom and with your wonderful attitude hopefully it will be for another good long time love San xx

    • Hi Tom I haven’t made a comment for quite sometime although I read them on a regular basis. You always gave hope when you had been in remission for so long. My husband Jeff had his 1st stem cell transplant 3 yrs ago which only lasted a year.He had 6 months of velcade and then he had his 2nd transplant last November and so far so good and I just hope & pray we can have this normality for a bit longer. I know you will be disappointed that the dreaded has returned but like my husband you seem to have a very positive attitude to get through the treatment that’s in front of you. I know how your wife feels as some times the partners are forgotten about in all of this. We have watch when you are having treatment which can be very upsetting. Merry Xmas & hope you have a Happy & Healthy New Year.
      Sandra Stewart