2nd line treatment options

This topic contains 15 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  chloependrouse 6 years ago.

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  • #139692


    Dear Cassidy

    Sorry it’s taken me a while to reply to your post. It was really interesting to read about how you tolerated VCD, thanks for all the information your provided. Yes, it’s quite a commitment twice weekly trips to the hospital – specially when the hospital is far away! But you did it, you got through your first line treatment. Mum is also saying how she feels physically and mentally stronger this time round, even though the sudden relapse came as a big shock. She is seeing her consultant in the next couple of weeks so we’ll see what the plan is then. Still not sure when treatment will start but thanks for taking an interest and for your moral support – it really is a big help.
    I’m sorry to hear that you have the added complication of kidney difficulties. Mum’s kidneys were damaged as initial diagnosis took so long but they seem to have recovered fairly well. The dreaded dex played havoc with emotions though so not looking forward to her having to face that again, they lowered her dose last time which helped so hope they can do that again. I hope that you are beginning to regain energy now that you are off treatment and I wish you all the very best. I hope that you are enjoying this early Spring sunshine 🙂

    Chloe xx

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