3 weeks after SCT

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  compass007 8 years, 11 months ago.

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    Ok its been 3 weeks since my SCT and although all seem to have went well I am getting quite a lot of pain in my shoulders and the tops of my arms, I am getting the feeling that the SCT may not have worked…..I had a PET scan prior to the SCT and am due another soon, because the Myeloma presented itself aggresivley through a tumour behind my eye the Drs are contemplating another SCT in 100 days regardless how well this one has been, anyone with similar experiences your thoughts are welcome…Im still very up beat but thats my nature, just on a side note I actually had no problems during SCT not even a spike in tempreture and was out in 14 days which am told is very quick..






    Hi Les, Don’t be too disheartened yet. After my Sct (altho no bone problems/pain prior) I found for the first 3 months I had strange pains – also in shoulder area and legs hurt -which I am led to believe is the chemo tightening the tendons which made getting up and about first thing painful and hobbling. Your body had had a massive battering of chemicals which affects muscles, tendons, nerves, you name it and I’m sure its affected it – my gums remained swollen for a good 18 months according to my dentist – also attributed to the high dose. So try not to second guess and err on the side of its your body starting to heal and reconstitute itself. I guess your tandem is based largely on your age rather than your type of MM so continue with positive thoughts and in the knowledge your next one will nail it if there is indeed anything left to nail. Good luck




    Hi Rebecca, thanks for the reply that does sound very much like what I am going through, and like I said I am generally an up beat person anyway, and like they all say “one day at a time” thanks again for your reply…very re-assuring.





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