6 month and no final diagnosis


This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  tony642 3 years ago.

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  • #142353


    Hi Everyone,

    My mum on the 2nd February this year told me she had bone metastasis. She was seeing doctors for month and did pet scan, mri, etc. Unfortunately she lives in Hungary and me in the UK so it was heart breaking news. From May she moved to Italy to be close to her sister and now she is repeating all the analysis again. There is nothing 100% certain yet but they are saying it is a myeloma, light chain K. She is with major back pains for over a year now, barely moving. Pain killers does not help much. I find it very hard to cope with all this especially because I am so far away and have a daughter and husband here so not easy to just move everything. How is it possible to just go on with life when you are waiting for this type of news? We will know the biopsy results on the 1st September. It will be over 7 month since the first diagnosis…



    Hi Fjudit

    I am one of the peer support volunteers. I have only just seen yuor post, what is the sitiation with yuor mother now?

    Regards, Tony

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