Yet again we have some semi illiterate, ignorant peasent posting on this website trying to sell fake products. We can't give them a dose of MM and they seem to be able to operate with impunity, so what can we do. Well here's a few suggestions that Mrs B. came up with
1. Maximum length of Subject line. Limit it to a maximum number of characters. 'Fake' has 60 characters in his subject line.
2. No one allowed to post until 24 hours after registering as a new member.
3. Use of certain key words such as 'Fake', 'Buy', 'Sale' are blocked from the Subject line.
We may not be able to stop them but we could make life a lot harder for them.
Just another thought, give Perkymite their address then he could give them some PT, I'm sure that will disuade them.
Unless of course you have another suggestion.