This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  jmsmyth 13 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #110098


    Hello Everyone

    we have been to a couple of shows in the last two weeks after my app at UCH which was only 1/2 hour delayed we got the but to leicester Sq bought
    some cheap tickets for a matinee and saw Phantom of the opera really enjoyed that then on friday night we went to Paul Carrick gig in St Albans Geoff is a big fan, we had aa great bopping time we both like live music and go as much as poss it set me up for the weekend. We are being taken out for brekkie by our daughter and grandson on sunday so something else to look forward to
    Love Jo x



    Hi Jo

    Sounds brilliant. Always wanted to see Phantom of Opera but don't think it will ever come to Belfast. Enjoy your brekkie and hope the rest o the weekend is great. Keep well.

    Love Jean xx



    Hi Jo

    Good to see you have got over your food poisoning,and back to your old self.
    I get up to London occasionally ,last time to see Mama Mia with my daughters,unfortunately Slims has no interest in the theatre .

    One of my Christmas presents are tickets to see Calender Girls locally in Canterbury in February,So a nice evening out for me.you would think he might be interested in nude bodies,but I think its asking a bit much for him to rise to the occasion.

    Have you any more holidays planned.Love Eve



    hello Eve

    nice to hear from you we have a few days away this week in the New Forest I hope it stays dry.
    I love the theatre but not in love with musicals but Geoff is so I treated him he does so much for me he deserved a treat, then I scratched the car and he didnt moan so another treat is due!!
    I am still in Plateau only 5% mm cell in my marrow not due another PEP test until end of march so fingers cross if I am clear at the end of april we will book a week somewhere in the Med, we used to love adventure holidays I had my 60th birthday in a camp in the middle of the Amazon jungle in Peru but all that is out of the question now
    Regards to Slim
    love Jo x



    Hello Jean
    I am so surprised that some of these good shows dont come to Belfast its a nice city and now the troubles are over I am sure they would be well attended some one should but in a suggestion .I hope you and Frank are keeping well
    Love JO X



    Hi Jo

    Good to hear from you and have fingers crossed that you get the all clear in April. I am recovering from the dreaded tummy bug and staying away from Frank – don't want him to get it. Frank has his good and bad days. Still not on treatment. Mind you – on the Myeloma Beacon, their is reseach going on in Spain that suggests that patients with SMM should start treatment right away- another question for the consultant in February!!

    We are not too bad in Belfast – since the troubles ended but most of the big shows go to Dublin and that is about a 2 hour drive from us and FRank couldn't do that long is a car.

    Keep well and everything crossed for April.

    Love Jean xx

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