So sorry that Steve is having a rough time and hope that the new treatment does its job. Frank is like Colin – if he is having a whiskey he's feeling not too bad. ????Weird way to find out how he's feeling!! My very best to you both
Live Jean x
Dear Mari
Nice to know Steve is feeling a bit better today, lets hope it continues. Hope you are enjoying the weather.
I'm not heading for SCT this time round apparently. It seems we are saving that for a rainy day! I'm quite grateful as I was one of those people who took almost a year to get over the first SCT. I was proper poorly and when I found I'd relapsed was terrified about the prospect of going through it again. I must say though, I would do it again if it was the only or likely to be best option left. I'd do anything if it would enable me to stay longer.
Love Helen
Hey its a this MM and jot one thing fits all am afraid, but am sure they will find what works for Steve and I hope and pray its sooner rather than later.
So sorry to hear about Steve's scary experience following his second transplant. As I am relapsing and about to start treatment with a second stem cell transplant being recommended followed by a mini allo, this has given me real food for thought. I hope he starts to pick up soon and you get a few days away.