A short post.

This topic contains 33 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  andyg 8 years, 11 months ago.

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    Hi buzz i too was diagnosed in june 2014 .no treatment for the first year as asymptomatic .In may 2015 started cdt and my pp had jumped to 29. And my light chains 7000.  Had melphalen and sct in sept 2015. My pp now 2 and light chains 12 so very happy at the moment. I too have been randomised to revlimid 4 weeks ago so i am also waiting with bated breath. Good luck.   Dawn



    Hi Dawn, hi all on this post!

    Many thanks. And lots of luck to you too.

    My lightchains are shooting up. Gone from 250 to 600 in 2 weeks so I start with Velcade and dexamethasone next Friday. Trying to stay positive but the fact everything seems to have come back  only 11 months post SCT and so quickly feels very worrying.

    Any positivity you want to push my way feel free!





    Hello AndyG

    Just to let you you pom has made me quite ill and have had to stop, but my consultant has a plan B thank goodness, as my MM has started to get active again with pains in my arm and shoulder.

    as this new drug is not available until April I am just on Dex which I tolerate quite well and don’t get many side effects except feeling a bit tired, and some times just a little sleepness but not to bad.

    I hope things are going well for you.




    Hi Peter,

    Sorry to hear that you had to stop taking Pomalidomide. As I said previously it’s a bit of a marmite drug. Hopefully you’ll get along better with the new drug. Is it Farydak you’ll be trying next?

    I’m doing ok at the moment thanks. Got a stinking cold at the moment but otherwise ok. We had four nights in the Lakes last week it wore me out a bit but was great to get away.

    Every day is a gift.


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