About my father’s diagnosis

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    Hi to anyone who is reading this,

    My father who is 62 y/old went into hospital after a set of routine bloods were abnormal. Further investigations found that he has AKI (acute kidney injury) and severe anaemia. He was treated with fluids and a blood transfusion but the treatment wasn’t working after a week of observation. The renal specialist recommended a full body scan. The results of the scan showed white patches on his leg and his lower back. There were no fractures detected. The doctors were going to do a bone marrow biopsy the next day however the results for COVID-19 ended up being positive.

    He recovered from COVID-19 and had multiple blood tests after that. The blood results have indicated that it’s Myeloma. The renal doctor has said that his kidneys aren’t functioning properly and will require dialysis.

    The bone marrow biopsy was finally done after a month of him being in hospital. We are still awaiting for the results. However the haematologist is certain that he has Myeloma. We don’t know what stage of Myeloma it is yet.

    He will start his first session of non intensive treatment (Chemotherapy) this Friday.

    Prior to all of this my dad in 2010 had a brain tumour called Meningioma. This tumour was removed. He goes for brain MRI scans every single year so far nothing was detected. Recently his migraines have increased a lot.

    He went for a routine blood test because he was suffering with symptoms of indigestion and heart burn.

    Cancer runs in his side of the family. Whilst he was in hospital he received the news of his sister passing away with the last stage of Brain cancer.

    We are trying our best as a family to come to terms with this whole situation. My mum is still in denial about this. My father is slowly accepting it and is remaining positive.

    I have read most of this thread and want to commend the bravery of the sufferers. My thoughts are with you all.





    Hi Rose, so sorry to hear about your father. He really is getting lots of things thrown at him but he has survived coronavirus so hopefully he’ll do ok with the others for now. Did coronavirus damage his kidneys or do they think it was MM? I ask because once the burden of MM has been removed kidney function can improve – I was in single figures about to go on dialysis when they discovered MM – A year later I was low 20s and 6 years later am in the 40s – so things can change. Staging of MM is not particularly important it’s his well you respond to the chemo – good that there are no fractures. Your dad sounds like a fighter – please let us know how he gets on.
    Take care

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