About to begin treatment – but which one ?

This topic contains 30 replies, has 15 voices, and was last updated by  adamsp41 11 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #87158


    Hi Lesley…my story is very similar to Helen's experience of myeloma….diagnosed in Jul 2010 after kidney failure…5 cycles of CRD then an SCT in Jan 2011 and am now still in stringent complete remission… I too am part of the myeloma x1 trial and am in my 20th cycle of Revlimid..albeit only 5mg daily as any stronger "knocks my bloods for six"….found CRD and SCT exhausting and suffered from sickness mouth ulcers and diarrhoea and still suffer from fatigue and tiredness…but have managed quite a few holidays both UK and abroad…infections allowing 🙂 ….like most people on this forum we all have different reactions to the treatment …some seem to suffer more than others…but there is light at the end of the tunnel so stay positive and good luck with your treatment…Phil

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