Aches and stiffness.

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  rebeccaR 10 years, 10 months ago.

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    Hi, just looking for some help and info, my wife is 35 days post SCT,things have been going slowly but she is moving forward, the last couple of days she’s started to ache and be stiff in the old places, is this normal? Has it not worked? Is it just because she’s spending a lot of time in bed? Many thanks for helping.



    Hi Grega

    I can’t answer specifically as I can’t remember the last time my bones didn’t ache! SCT doesn’t repair any damage to the bones so i’ve been told so therefore its not that the SCT hasn’t worked its just that the bones may be beyond repair.

    Spending long periods of time in bed would make you ache so see if your wife can get up and move about a bit as it may help.

    Hopefully she will start to feel better soon

    Take Care




    Hi, I haven’t had bone damage/aches and pains previously but post SCt my whole body felt very stiff and achey when I eventually started moving round ( due to illness I was more or less flat on my back for about 6 weeks – including the hospital bit). I think much of it was being so bed bound that the body had seized up but also, when I started trying to walk etc it felt like I’d walked 10 miles with very tight calf muscles as tho’ I’d pulled every muscle in my lower legs and this continued for quite some time along with new neuropathy in toes. I’m told the aching/painful calves is nerve damage and this has now almost gone but I still have the toes which don’t seem to have subsided at all (4months +). It is along time to be inactive/pumped full of poison – melphalan is a derivative of the old nerve gas – and I feel I lost a lot of my normal flexibity eg from more or less being able to nearly putting all the hand on the floor I could not get anywhere near to touching my toes after SCT and now can just manage to touch toes and I have been working on my flexibility quite a lot recently – back aches now qll gone. I think the whole body takes a massive battering including all muscle groups etc. The good thing is your wife is on an upward trend now so hopefully will improve the more she does – after being laid down for so long my Dr said just walking upstairs and moving around the house was “exercise” enough and not to push it as there is inevitably some muscle wastage and weakness to overcome.
    Best wishes Rebecca

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