Aching bones!!!

This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Helen 10 years, 10 months ago.

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    Hi everyone!

    Anybody got aching bones? For some time now – when I get up in the morning – it takes me quite sometime to get going but also my legs and particularly my arms and shoulders ache terribly. When I first was diagnosed I was on a bone strengther – Zometa – but have not had that in quite a while. Also when I was diagnosed I had quite a few X-rays and a MRI scan – no-one has suggested any further investigations – just wondered if it was part and parcel of suffering with myeloma.



    Evening Izzie, it takes me a while to get going in the morning, I usually have to stretch etc it is a bit of an effort getting downstairs. Usually sit for a while, have several large cups tea, sometimes take two paracetamol, but then take the dog out for an hour or two across country!
    Since diagnosis just over two years ago I have been on penidronate infusion, once a month and daily adcal tablets. I think that at my next clinic appointment I will be taken off the penidronate.
    Tony F



    Hi Izzie

    Yes, aches and pain are part and parcel of my MM. I have changed my pain control recently. I now take tramadol and paracetamol. I stopped taking anti- inflamatories as I am worried about the effect on my kidneys. I have just started sone Alexander Technique lessons to see if that will help.

    I’m surprised you aren’t still on Zomets. I thought the guidelines now said everyone should have it, whether or not they currently have bone involvement. I have been having four weekly infusions for well over two years and feel certain they have helped my bones which were in a delicate state.

    One word of advice though, if you are going back on them, get any invasive dental work done first. I have had some problems with this and have to be referred to the a Dental a Hospital for ant root work.

    Very best wishes.




    Hi Mavis

    Thanks for your reply. I am in hospital at the moment – had the dreaded Melphalan Thursday – sick virtually straight away and they gave me an injection which helped considerably. Stem cells returned on Friday – felt queasy so they gave me another injection. I feel OK at the moment – just starting to feel a little tired.

    Thanks for the reminder about the Zometa – I had heard that before and must remember to ask – although I am on a clinical trial so wondering if that makes a difference?

    Thanks again and my very best wishes



    Hi Izzie
    Good luck with the transplant, hope you have an easy ride. Keep drinking as much as possible!
    The zometa is usually stopped for a few months over the transplant time, I restarted mine at the 3 month mark on the myeloma xi trial.
    Love Helen

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