achy legs

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    Hiya all
    I had a stem cell transplant in January 2011 and returned back to work part time in June. The only meds I am taking now is Bonefos and Septrin 2 tabs x 2 twice weekly. I feel well but tired in the pm especially after work but I do suffer from aching legs especially at the thighs, groin & thigh. Does anyone else suffer with this. I have noticed this more after the transplant.



    Hi Ozzy

    Well I also went back to work Light duties after 6 months post stem cell transplant, yep i was tired but no probs with the legs, but have to admit I still get tired but am sure I will have to cope with it 🙂

    I would see the Dr re your discomfort and am sure some one else will pop in and might have an answr for you

    Good Luck

    Tom "Onwards and Upwards£



    Hi, I had my transplant in February of this year and have not had "achey legs" (but still have a lot of back ache etc.) However, I too am very tired but suppose this will improve when I finish my current round of chemo. Has anyone retuned to their "normal" energy after transplant? – Suppose its asking too much but it would be lovely to think we could aim for getting some get up and go back.
    Hope you get some help for your discomfort – they have given me Tramadol and it does seem to be helping more than the high dose codeine did without as many side effects – not quite as dopey as before.



    Hi Carol B

    I am about 18 months post sct and is my energy levels pre transplant? No they aren't but they are pretty good, not sure if I could go back to my old job (physical work)but just bought a bike to try and lift my levels up (never give up) so will let you know but only been on it three times as yet:-D

    Hope you still do well


    Tom "Onwards and Upwards" xxx



    Hello Tom

    I can just see you and the young bride on the tours of britain are your little legs going 10 to the dozen glad you are well dont fall off!!!!

    Love Jo 😛



    Hi Ozzy

    I have not had an SCT but I have had leg and hip ache someone told me it could be the Steriods as we do have large doses during chemo this could right
    Regrds Jo;-)



    Hi Jo

    Yep my little legs are doing ten to the dozen when I go out on bike, and yep My Young Bride and I are doing great, just starting to put a Kitchen in at home 😎 half the old one ripped out, and three wall units put up tonight 😀 Young bride now filling them up with?? it will take me ages to find things ha ha.

    How are you doing then Jo 😀 Ok I hope:-P mind you dont burn with this Hot weather we are having at the moment8-)

    Love and hugs

    Tom xxxxx



    Thanks Tom, Pleased that you also feel like keep on "giving it a go". Sometimes I can feel my family´s disapproval when I try to do the things I did pre transplant – but the more I try the more I seem to be achieving – rather like you. My daughter says I do things now that lots of 56 year old´s have never done so why don´t I just try being a bit less hard on myself? (I think she means why don´t I stop being selfish and save them some worry – can´t blame her really) I have a sneaking suspicion that if I start indulging myself too much this horrible illness will get the upper hand. Anyway, at my age "use if or loose it".
    It´s hard for people like us who have worked hard all their lives (and enjoyed doing so) to sit back and give up isn´t it?. Keep on cycling (and anything else you enjoy). Perhaps we ought to put some of our energy into fund raising but not sure how.
    Love Carol xx



    Oh Tom

    you are good putting in a new kitchen you must be very handy we put one in a couple of years ago got rid of loads of stuff now I wish we hadn't I love the sun but have to be a bit careful Geoff and I (my old husband!!):-P go for a walk each day in the evening at the moment we do 3 miles most nights I am doing well at the moment keeping everything crossed are you well it certainly sounds like it 🙂

    Love and (((hugs))

    Jo x



    Hi Carol
    Yep My Boys nay men all over 25and kids of their own Lol, have taken most of my tools and my "Fishing gear" saying "you dont need to cut the hedges we will do it, you dont want to go fishing and carry all this gear?" and as it happens I dont 🙁 whan hedge needs cuting My wee Cragie (ok he is over 6 foot tall) nips round and cuts it (before I need to ask) eldest one Lee he sorts all the high level stuff out and the technical stuff and close cutting Middle son Jamie (just like his dad :-)) he sorts out the fences and anything wooden lol.

    So as you can see I am same as you re my kids wont let me do what I used to do???

    You and I are the same age 56 (july) I also am of the thought "Use it or Lose it" and I have told my young bride the same? (but thats for another thread ha ha)

    So Like all of us on here I/we wont give up giving it a go 🙂 cos we are all "Onwards and Upwards" people

    Love and Hugs
    Tom (((((()))))) xxxx



    Hi Jo

    I must say I am not that good?? we are having a new Kitchen but am having a great deal of help from Craig (our next door neighbor)

    Good to hear you and Geoff (ur old husband? ur words not mine ha ha) go for your daily walk and I tell you three miles is a bloody good walk (unless a pint is at the end of it he he )

    And its great to hear you are doing Good 🙂 keep that up and lets thrash this MM to a long delay 🙂

    Love and Many Hugs

    Tom ((((((((())))))))))) xxxx



    Hi Ozzy just to add to Jos point about being careful re any persistent leg or hip pain and high doses of steroids In my case I had to have a hip replacement a few months after my sct as the steroids had completely destroyed the joint in just a few months So if your hips or legs get worse make sure your doctor knows about it and they can check with x-rays and scans Having said all that it is not very common just something to be aware of Tom you are a little trooper doing your kitchen !!No wonder the lovely Elaine loves you !!Take it easy though dont do youself a mischief love Bridget



    Thanks Bridget, but am sure all my bits will mbe of an advisery role these days Lol, the kids just might let me use the sdrill once or twice 🙂

    Love Tom "Onwards and Upwards" xxx



    Morning all,
    I am 2yrs 1 month post transplant and have achy legs! It's mainly my left leg from the groin down to my knee, but my right leg does ache but not quite so much. It's very painful at times and I hobble about like an 83 yr old instead of 43…apologies to all 83yr olds out there 😉 With regards to energy levels, mine are alot better than they were just a few months ago but not how I used to be and I still get very frustrated because I can't do what I used to. My lovely hubby and kids don't allow me to do what I used to either, silly things like changing beds, hoovering etc which I do struggle a little with admittidly and get frustrated with. Hopefully they'll give in one day 😉
    Take care, love n hugs Lorraine xxx



    Stephen (mm person) has very achy legs. He keeps us both awake half the night because he cannot keep them still and I (being a horrid person when I don't get any sleep) want to hit him.

    The aches seem to come with this horrid ney ba****d illness.


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