Advice/ Help required

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  tony642 2 years, 6 months ago.

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    I have just completed my 4 cycles of DVT and suffering from neuropathy which has caused numbness in both my hands and feet.
    Just wondered if anyone else suffered with this and if so how long it took to get back to some form of normality as it is really affecting my quality of life.

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated

    Many Thanks



    Hello twinz

    Sorry to hear that you are suffering from neuropathy. It’s quite a common side effect of myeloma treatment particularly due to the Velcade. I had it quite bad following second line treatment of DVd.

    There is quite a lot on this forum and the Myeloma UK website about it if you do a search. I would certainly mention it to your clinical team because they may be able to help with some medication or change the treatment.

    In answer to your question, it seems very individual. I know some patients whose neuropathy improves very quickly, others not at all. In my case it has reduced gradually over two years and is now very much better.

    You can buy neuropathy oil from Amazon and other internet suppliers which I think does help.

    Hope this helps



    Thanks for the reply David.

    I am no longer on treatment and currently waiting to hear about harvesting of stem cells.

    I did mention it to my nurses and Velcade and Thalidomide were both stopped.
    They cannot help my neuropathy with any medication and have advised that I have to see if it improves.

    I will have a look online at creams etc but I have also heard Vic Vapour rub has been used too to help with neuropathy.

    I am also trying to go a short walk each day assisted by hubby to see if that helps.




    Hello twinz

    I forgot to mention that the other thing which really helped me was wearing thick tight socks. At one point in order to get any sleep I was wearing three pairs of socks and trainers in bed. Sounds daft but it worked.

    Hope this helps




    Hi Twinz,

    Sorry to hear about your problems, but as has already been said, this is a common problem with Myeloma. I had 2 wedge fractured vertebrae and also a tumour on my spine. I had nerve block injections into my spine which really helped to reduce the neuropathic pain. I dont know if it would work with your particular issues, but it wouldnt hurt to ask your medical team if it might be an option for you?

    regards, Tony

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