Advice on taking early retirement for ill health from a UK company pension schem

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    Hello, I’m in my 10th year of Myeloma and aside from 5 months sick leave, I’ve continued to work full time. I did this for financial reasons but also because I really love my job and felt able to continue.

    However I am now beginning to feel like I’m running out of gas and I’d be interested in any advice members could give of applying for early retirement for ill health. I work in the education sector so particularly any advice the teachers pension scheme would be great but any other insights or advice from anyone gratefully received. Apologies for cross posting.




    My husband worked for Ministry of Defence. He enjoyed his work and his department were excellent at protecting him from infection eg providing hand gel and staying away if they had coughs/colds etc

    However, work was all he could manage so home life became non existent. His line manager suggested ill health retirement and made the initial enquiries to establish if he was eligible.

    We felt we could manage on the pension offered and discovered Employment Support Allowance which is a fantastic top up.

    Best wishes



    Thanks Teresa
    That’s really helpful, I’m in the same position as work exhausts me and home life is all about recovery from its exertions.

    Was your husband successful in his application to ill health retirement?





    Yes he was successful. We backed up the claim with copies of his prescriptions and letters from his GP and consultant.

    It was very straightforward. The MOD agreed that he was eligible and produced a document explaining why they recommend he takes ill health retitement. This report came in useful when he applied for ESA which he’ll receive until he reaches full retirement age.




    thanks Teresa

    was your husband undergoing treatment at the time or was he in remission?



    He’s been on treatment since diagnosis in December 2016. There were a couple of months after his stem cell transplant in 2018 where he had a short remission but he was and still is, on maintenance treatment of Ixazomib, Revlimid and Dexamethasone.



    thanks for your help



    Hi there.

    I’m a bit late to this thread, but as a teacher with myeloma it’s of great interest to me.

    I’m almost twelve weeks post-stem cell transplant and am about to start a maintenance treatment. I’ve had almost twelve months off sick, and am trying to plan what to do when my half pay ends. I’m not thrilled about giving up work, but I don’t feel it’s safe to return whilst covid infections are increasing, especially in schools. I’m also still suffering from fatigue.

    I’m going to ask if I can work from home, but obviously, that’s difficult in my profession. Plan B is to request early retirement on medical grounds.

    Mothas, did you apply and were you successful? If so, did you get your pension enhanced? I’ve only been teaching for 16 years, so at the moment, my pension fund isn’t huge, although I don’t have a mortgage to worry about, just normal household bills, etc…



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