Advice on test results (FLC kappa/lambda + IgD

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  meganjane 11 years, 3 months ago.

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    Just wondering if you could please offer me some guidance. My serum free light chain levels started out up and down with lambda levels reading slightly high and Kappa normal to low. In the past 9 months, every test I have had has been abnormal as well as the ratio. For guidance, my last results are as follows: k/l ratio result was low at 0.17 (normal 0.26-1.65). My kappa count was low at 2.26mg/L (normal 3.30-19.40) and the lambda level was normal. My IgD markers have been slightly elevated at 0.06 (normal maximum is 0.04). Do you think this is worth following up with a haematologist (my GP wishes to do this but hasn't done anything about it and is unsure due to my immunologist not thinking much of them because of normal SPEP), or are the results insignificant? I would just really love some advice on where to go next. I'm about to start on an immune suppressant as my symptoms are being treated as an autoimmune disorder (i.e. fever, night sweats, bone pain, petechial rash, extreme fatigue). The only other anomaly in my blood is low TSH (normal T3, T4) and C4 deficiency.

    Greatly appreciate your input:)




    I am sorry I can't help with your question as my husband Phil does not have FLC but paraproteins instead. If you would like some advise I would suggest calling the Myeloma Infoline (the number is at the top of this page). Ellen or Maggie will be able to answer your questions and let you know the best place to get more information. If your GP would like you to see a haematologist I don't see that would cause any harm and it may help put your mind at rest about the treatment your immunologist has suggested.


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