After effects of stem cell transplant

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  sues 7 years, 11 months ago.

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    This my first posting on here, just hoping someone can offer some help with my problem. I was diagnosed in July 2013, had 7 cycles of treatment, then had a stem cell transplant in March 2014, I am now on Lenalidomide maintenance treatment and I have been in remission for 2 years with my paraproteins at 1.9 when they started at 25 – that is the good news.

    Unfortunately after the transplant I have had problems wearing glasses, I have wore glasses since I was a child with no problems at all, after the transplant I seem to have developed extra sensitivity around my ears, when I take my glasses off I get discomfort around my ears and temples, even though the glasses are not touching my temples that is why I am sure it is around the problem is around the ears, it is not the prescription because when I try glasses on with just glass in it is just the same. In the last 2 years I have spent a fortune on 8 pairs of glasses trying to get it right, as I have cataracts in both eyes and floaters, I need to be able to wear them. At the moment I sit near the television and use a magnifying glass for books and papers rather than wear them which is not a good idea apart from  a waste of money.  No-one seems to know what is causing it, the doctor at the eye hospital just said it could be nerve endings.  All I want is to be able to put glasses on and forget there are there like I used to.

    Sorry to ramble on but this is really stressing me out anyone else with similar problems I would love to hear from you.





    Hi Sue

    Stem Cell Treatment like you in 2014 and fortunate that my quality of life is much improved.

    I don’t know if I can offer much help or advice except to say that the vast range of medication we have during treatment ( I was on 40 tablets a day at one stage ) is bound to have some side effects.

    I have found that skin irritation and muscle weakness to be a recurring problem but on the positive side the effects do seem to be getting less as time passes and I recover my fitness. I did have eye problems due to fluid retention in the eye ball which I think was caused by the steroids, but this quickly got better once I stopped.

    It may be worth having a word with the Myeloma Helpline staff who have probably come across most of the side effects experience by patients over the years.

    Hope this helps.



    Hi David

    Thanks for your reply glad things are getting better for you, I might try the helpline, also I am seeing my consultant this week so will bring it up with her. Although I don’t hold out much hope as it is coming up three years since the transplant and cycle of treatment and doesn’t seem to be improving.

    All the best





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