after sct

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    I had my sct about 3 weeks ago before I had it I had very little pain but since the sct the pain across my shoulders has bee very intense, im taking co-codemal and oramorph and it is certainly helping also I have had a skin rash but the Drs have said its not shingles and is probably faculitus? has anyone else out there had these symptoms/pain ?


    kind regards




    From what I have seen on the forum, skin rashes post stem cell transplant are not uncommon. My own theory is that the bugs which are ever present start to take advantage of the body’s reduced immune system. Two years on and I still suffer periodically. It comes and goes. I find that epiderm which you can buy over the counter at the chemist does seem to have a calming effect.

    Hope this helps.




    Hi. I had a really sore rash at the back of my neck after sct(I thought it was shingles) – they took a blood test but never got the results – so presumably ok – and it went in about 3 weeks – it was raised, red, very painful – never to be seen again? one of the many imponderables…



    Hi, Since being diagnosed with myeloma 2010 following three collapsed vertebrae, I find that I suffer with terrific pain in the top part of my shoulders and back. I’m on pain patches and tablets to help. But, I did find the shoulder pain greatly intensified when I was sitting around in a chair for hours, or propped up in bed whilst recovering for months after my sct. My consultant advised the shoulder pain would improve when I became more mobile. He was right, but it did take over 18 months to slowly improve.

    I’ve just gone through stem cell harvest for two days spending over six hours in a recliner chair without much movement due to me feeling unwell and nauseous. The back and shoulder pain afterwards has taken a week to show some improvement.

    It’s worth while discussing the matter with your consultant, especially as we all tend to worry about extra aches and pains when suffering with myeloma. I hope the pain eases shortly.




    Hi Jan your description is very much like the pain I am getting, infact I went to clinic yesterday and after an MRI scan last week it is showing damage to the vertebrae, im taking co-codemal and a morphine sulphate capsule at night it certainly takes the edge of the pain, again im not sure how much effect the SCT has had yet and I am back at heartlands on the 29th to go through that…it does look like they are going to do a second sct “tandem” as they call it… so its fingers crossed.


    Kind Regards





    hya everybody. has anyone else had reacurring low blood count haemoglobin this is the second time in last six weeks breathlessness and week as a kitten transfussion again tommoro. . on the plus side myeloma still doing great non detection of protiens looks like the camera up will be next step not relishing that xx

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