Am back…sorry I have been away too long….onwards and upwards…

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  tom 2 years, 7 months ago.

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    Hi everyone
    Been away for a while, tried a few times and could never remember my passwords? Changed email address and when it asked to renew this that or the other I just gave in thinking I will do it later…am sure we have all gone through this bit haha…
    Well just a quick rundown most will know me from my signature sign off….”Onwards and upwards” haha well at the moment still doing good fighting this since 2008/9 two sct one in 2009 the other in 2015…..I am on pomalidamide at the moment and doing fine well as fine as can be with Dex haha…jut over a year now….
    Well that’s me …how about you …..

    Regards Tom…..onwards and upwards…..



    Hello Tom

    Nice to hear from you again. Remember you as think we’ve had a similar time. Me 2006 diagnosis 2 SCTs etc. Always enjoy your possitivity as thats me as well and am sure it has helped. Had the dex but not pom but glad to hear your doing fine. I’m in remission at the moment and on 3 monthly zometa. There have been a few new treatments since we were diagnosed ‘way back when’ and results seem to be getting better.
    Best wishes



    Hi Kevin
    Ye well you were earlier th an me …I was 2008, for mine, but am sure it was longer before I thought something was wrong…..
    Yes been a few trials kicking in that’s for sure..fingers crossed they are good ones that gives minimal side effects..pleased your doing good my bone strengthening drug is tablet form …no hunting for viable veins these day apart from having bloods taken and at this time is every three months all treatment I am having is all pill form…..
    Take care mate
    Tom…..onwards and upwards x



    Hi Tom,

    Nice to hear from you. I am one of the forum volunteers, and although I have not had MM as long as you, I have been through most of the treatments that you have so I know what they are like.

    Its great to hear that you have a positive attitude, I am sure that it has got you this far, and will help with whatever you need to face in the future. Please keep us updated as to how you are progressing.

    Regards, Tony



    Hi Tony
    Nice to hear from you also, ye we all know what the treatment are like ha ha.
    Yes I am a positive person always have been, still have my moments but soon moved on lol. Hope you like the volunteering side on here…
    Yes will keep yous posted as I plod along.. Take care and catch up soon
    Tom Onwards and upwards x

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