am first lol

This topic contains 12 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  tom 14 years, 4 months ago.

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    Well am the first of the 50's to post, and it looks good
    Now lets see how to attach file?:-D



    You are hilarious Tom!!! Loving the picture of your baby boy xx



    Hi Tinkerbell (great Name Lol)

    Welcome onboard am pleased you got in.

    Charlie is a lot bigger now that was before his first haircut he he
    Anyways hows you all doing?
    We are doing great here in Sunny Scunny 🙂
    Go and see the Consultant on Thursday, Elaine see's her Consultant Teusday so next week is gonna be busy :-)xx



    Hi Tom Charlie is such a cutie seeing his pic has set me off again !!I would so love to get a dog I really miss having one but my lovely other half is not keen at all so I have to make do with babysitting Griz ( my hairy grandson) who is a jackapoo and as mad as a box of frogs .Hope you and Elaine are having a good weekend and you get good news at clinic next week love Bridgetx



    😀 Hi Bridget AKA brocho

    Wow every one seems to be changing names and urs is another posh one 🙂
    Ye Elaine and I are pleased with Charlie 🙂 he keeps our spirits up and running, no matter how we feel wee Charlie is always pleased to see us 🙂

    We are having a great w/end Elaine at work this morning (bless) so might nip to the pub about 4/5 ish?

    Yep will all be good news on Tues and Thurs
    Enjoy the rest of the w/end

    Catcha Lata
    Tom xx



    Hi Tom the brocho name was just a user name and I didnt realise it would come up on my posts I dont know how to change it though and am hoping someone will enlighten me love Bridgetx



    As I said its cute 🙂 so you might as well leave it, you sound ever so posh 🙂
    anyways not sure you can change it ???

    Love Tom xx



    And Yes Elaine has been given the All clear for another year 🙂 now it will be my turn on Thursday, and am sure we will do the Double 🙂

    (Tom walks away thinking? I should have had a posh new name Tut)

    Tom Onwards and Upwards xx



    Yeh Tom thank deserves a stiff vodka to celebrate for Elaine. Good luck for you tomorrow will be thinking about you.
    Tinkerbell is my favourite disney princess so nothing posh about my username. I took our baby for a haircut today and he slipped his lead and escaped from the groomers. I spent an eventful 10 minutes chasing the wee bugger up the street to retrieve him only with a slice of ham from the local sandwich shop. Two hours later he was washed, nails clipped and trimmed and looking like a new wee man. They are such good fun but such a lot of work.
    Pamela xx



    Hi Pamela

    Yep a stiff drink is now on the table and Elaine is now on the Bacardie Breezers lol, all good stuff 🙂

    As for your baby slipping his lead am that posh I have a Lady come to our home to clip Charlie (every 8 weeks) we have to wash him though, but for £12 cut and nails done is not bad.

    I have two "Wee Fella's" Charlie the Yorkie and Baby Jack (our youngest Grandson) both born a month apart how cute is that 🙂

    How you doing these days? I will be having my Zometa infusion tomorrow, was asked last month how my jaw is? well it was Ok but now it feels strange? no pain just numb (ish)not sure if the Q last month has made it feel strange?? so will see what they say at clinic 🙂

    Take Care and catch you soon xxx



    Hi every one
    Well aint we doing well:-D after My Young Brides all clear on tuesday I get the same today 🙂 🙂 so we can now call it a winning double at the Lappin houshold.

    No need to go back and see the Consultant till Jan, but he told me if I need anything he and his team are only a phone call away 🙂 aint that good to hear 😎

    Soon be Week end so you all get rested up for the Week End.

    One Onwards and Upwards Tom and his young bride xxxx



    Well done Mr Lappin glad that all those cells are behaving themselves must be the vodka maybe I should try that. Tomorrow is hospital day for me and my numbers had fallen last month so I'm hoping that the trend has continued. Zometa tomorrow and then a long wait to get the big bag of tablets for the next month. I got my flu jab last Monday and went to Rome with my sister to sort the wedding and promptly got a stinking infection but just dosed myself with antibiotics and paracetomol and enjoyed the wee break. Don't know what will be happening when I get to the end of this I'm really thinking about asking for maintenance thalidomide instead of having a second SCT so quickly. Have a lovely spooky weekend and don't be scaring to many trick or treaters with those crocks and socks!
    pamela xx



    Hi Pamela

    Am Sure it is the vodka, might ask my MP if i can get it on script lol

    Good Luck for Tomorrow Pamela, am sure your numbers will continue to fall:-D , I had my Zometa today also.Oh Bugger forgot to ask about flu jab 🙁

    We will be having a good week end off to see a hypnotist at our local club on sat. and as for the spooky weekend i dont need face alterations lol to look scary

    Take Care and catch you soon

    Tom xx

    ps sat with me "Crocks and Socks" ha ha xx

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