Am I relapsing?

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  peony 8 years, 4 months ago.

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    After visiting my GP for two years with back problems and tiredness I was eventually heard and myeloma was diagnosed in my late 30’s. After treatment and stem cell transplant I was in remission 😀. I’m now 55 and I’ve had quite a bit of bleeding from my mouth, I’m also feeling tired. I feel I’m back to square one trying to get my GP to listen to me. I had a brilliant consultant  at the hospital who saw me every 3 months, since he retired 2 years ago I feel very much on my own. Can anyone give me any advice please?




    Have you called the nurses at Myeloma uk?  They are really helpful and maybe able to advise you. As you were diagnosed with myeloma years back they should be listening to you that’s really bad.. hopefully it could be something else… was it just the one SCT transplant you had years back?? I thought after 10 years there is less chance of it returning?? Either way they should be listening to you. Good luck

    Regards Dean



    Hi Dean


    thanks for replying. Just had the one SCT. I was told at the time that it would return at some point. Managed to get an appointment with gp, just waiting on blood results. Keeping positive!



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