Another worry

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    I’m high risk MM. I was diagnosed Jan 2023. I’m on a radar trial and was about to start the maintenance programme. I was doing well all things considered.

    Earlier this week I slipped coming out of the shower and I’ve fractured my hip. However I could walk without agonising pain. I got xrays and CT scan and there was talk of a hip replacement. I was admitted to orthopedics. Eventually they decided not to operate and “manage the break conservatively.”
    The physios on the ward gave me 2 sets of crutches and a zimmer. In hospital initially they had me walking with my bad leg still in use- lightly weight bearing. Then it was decided no weight bearing at all. In effect I have to hop. I was discharged very quickly with little guidance.
    Now home, I’m finding this exceedingly difficult because of the strain on my shoulders and I’m terrified I fracture a bone there. I’ve an appointment with a
    Community Physio on Monday so am hoping for help there. I have a phone apptmt with my myeloma consultant..
    I’m thoroughly fed up and disappointed. I get very frustrated at constantly finding I cant do things. I’m usually a can do type of person.I’ve had a couple of very necessary meltdowns.

    Just wondering if this has happened to anyone else and how you coped.



    Hello gc

    Sorry to hear that you are struggling just now with mobility problems as well as myeloma treatment.

    I’m a myeloma support group leader here in the North West and have met a number of other patients who have been similarly affected by slips, trips and falls, so you are certainly not alone. It’s a slog but most seem to get through and return to some sort of normality.

    The expression ` don’t suffer in silence’ comes to mind, and I know in our area there is lots of help available from various organisations, but first you have to ask. Macmillan are always helpful and a good contact.

    Myeloma and some of the drugs are known to weaken the bones, so this may have been a contributing factor, so just wondering if you have been on the bi-phosphonate Zometa?

    There may be advantages in having someone come in to do a risk assessment at home, or do it yourself, to avoid any obvious own goals to prevent any further mishaps.

    Hope this helps.



    Thanks for the reply David.

    I had my physio apptmt today and that helped. I’m supposed to be non weight bearing but I was finding the hopping technique really sore, my right shoulder is much more painful than the fractured hip. Also I felt when I was hopping I was jarring and creating too much impact for the myeloma. I’m not sure the physio knew much about myeloma! However Im allowed to put my foot lightly on the ground when using the crutches and the zimmer.

    I was in touch with McMillan post diagnosis so I’ll give them a call again.

    I know I have to rest my hip but Im not really a resting person – another learning curve!!!

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