Apheresis – failed attempt?

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  lilib 2 years, 9 months ago.

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    Hi All. My husband went through the stem cell collection procedures last week, but after two full days on the apheresis machine, they were unable to collect the required amount for a transplant. We are very disappointed and don’t know what is likely to happen now. (Of course, I wasn’t allowed to be with him, and he wasn’t in the right frame of mind to ask any questions).

    Does anyone have experience of this?



    The same thing happened to me. I was asked to come back one month later and after two further collections I had plenty. I should mention that I am in Luxembourg so perhaps the procedure is slightly different. I would suggest asking your hospital/consultant.

    I will start my SCT next week and as I have a high risk version of myeloma will have a second SCT shortly after.

    I’m sure it will work out for your husband. Chin up and all that.



    Thank you so much for your reassuring reply, jc. We tried not to think about it too much over the weekend, but hope that maybe tomorrow the hospital will phone and tell us what’s next. I had not heard about anyone having two SCTs consecutively. Hope that it all goes well now for you!

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