Asymptomatic Myeloma Patient Considering Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy & Keto Diet

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    Hi everyone, just to introduce myself first – I’m I’m a retired 60 year old male from N.Ireland (weighing 70kg and 5’8″ tall) generally in good health but presently diagnosed with Asymptomatic Multiple Myeloma. Some other details include –

    Around 25 years ago I had an Autologous Bone Marrow Transfer for Non Hodgkins Lymphoma and have been in remission since.5 Years ago my blood Paraproteins began to rise and the diagnosis of Multiple Myeloma was made. The Paraprotein level was sitting at 22 at my last visit and if it increases much, its likely chemo will be suggested.

    I’m very interested in the Metabolic Theory of Cancer and Prof Thomas Seyfried’s work in particular.

  • I have regular check ups every 11 weeks but am not having any treatment nor drugs.
  • I’m fit and active, play squash twice a week and am Vegan / Plant Based for around 2 years.
  • I’m on the verge / building up to going onto a Keto diet.
  • I’m presently considering using Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy which I think I’ve sourced privately.
  • I’m presently taking 8gms of Curcumin / day as a supplement.

    So that’s my background, I was wondering if anyone had an information or advice they could offer me please on –

    Ketogenic Diet (while on a plant based / vegan diet)
    Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
    Glucose / Glutamine inhibitors.

    Thanks, Stephen



Hi Stephen

Hope you are well.

My husband was diagnosed with MM in 2013 and had an SCT in 2020 but was only in remission for 18 months. He’s now on Carfilzomib but isn’t tolerating it well.

I’ve been looking into a low-carb/ ketogenic diet (Dr Thomas Seyfried) for my husband, who also has type 1 diabetes.

I was wondering if you decided to try the keto diet and if it helped.

Did you try Hyperbaric Oxygen therapy? My hubby has severe vomiting after the chemo and the oxygen is supposed to help.


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