Back op news

This topic contains 6 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  bandityoga 11 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #103265


    Hi All
    Just thought I'd pop by and give you a little update re my back operation.
    I had the operation on Saturday about midday. My first time under a general anaesthetic wow that was a weird experience. I think I was out for 2 hours. The pain afterwards wasn't too bad and managed to get by on paracetamol. I was given a room to myself and it had a TV result! They kept me in overnight as us MMers need special care. Spent most of the night watching TV which I found strange then I remembered through the haze of drugs the word dexamethasone was mentioned and everything fell into place. The next morning I had blood tests and was seen by the physiotherapist once I proved I could manage to go up and down stairs she was happy for me to go home. So just after lunch I was discharged.
    Once home I rested up and concentrated on moving as little as possible. Then I remembered it was time to take my cyclophosphamide oh joy! So come Monday I was hardly able to get about and I was feeling nauseas too. Not a happy chappy. Anyway I'm glad to say the nausea passed and I'm a lot more mobile now and Steph says my posture has improved I also think I'm a bit taller.
    So as Tom would say its " onwards and upwards " lol
    Well until Sundays dose of cyclophosphamide anyway.

    Every day is a gift

    Andy x



    Hi Andy

    Well I am glad for you!!!
    I believe you about the height!!! slim started off 6ft. 1inch Myeloma took him down to 5 ft 8 inches but over a period of time he has gained an inch,we put it down to the Zometa,Slim has been on it from the start,it was reviewed ,but when it came back,it was one a month.

    That Dex has a lot to answer for,Slim and I are like passing ships in the night,tried normality ,but it does not work hence this posting at 4 am,learn,t to go with the flow.Love Eve



    Good news then, when I looked at the time of your post I though 'He's on Dexy' Hope the back gets better sooner than later, think you'll have to start looking out for low door frames again.




    That's absolutely great….good for you. I reckon you will be taller as that cements stuff puffs up the bone. Glad it went well for,you

    Vicki and Colin x



    Hi Andy, so pleased for you, great to hear that you are at home and through the rough bit of the op, hopefully you will recover well now San x



    Hey Andy

    Well you have been "Onwards" as you went ahead with the Op and you most certainly been "Upwards" if you have got Taller. 😎

    Hope ur soon better my Friend and keep your height 😀

    You have the gift and I know you will use it 🙂

    Tom Onwards and Upwards



    Glad to know that your op was a success and you are more mobile and your posture has improved. Ian had open surgery and a pin put in his back. I think it was because of the position in his spine as it was the neck to upper back.

    Every day is a gift

    Maureen x

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