
This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  iang 8 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #129453


    Anyone had a Sct recently at. Barts hubby goes in on Sunday 19th September for his just wondering what to exspect and what’s visiting like any advice gratefully received



    Hi Jan

    It wasn’t very recent but I had my SCT at Barts two years ago. I was admitted to Bodley Scott ward, which was in the East Wing then, but it has since been moved into the extensively redeveloped KGV building. The staff were excellent, the food wasn’t brilliant but I managed to eat it. The main difficulty was boredom and counting the days.

    The nurses were very relaxed about visiting. Strictly speaking you weren’t supposed to visit during mealtimes, but it wasn’t enforced.

    I described my experience, when it was still reasonably fresh in my memory, in the 15th post in this thread:

    Getting to the scary bit now!!

    I’ve linked to this before, so I hope it doesn’t look like I’m blowing my own trumpet. It’s a lot easier than attempting to describe it all again.

    There’s a lot of expertise at Barts. I hope your husband’s SCT goes well.

    Best wishes, Ian



    Thanks Ian that’s really helpful , where did your wife get the waterproof sleeve that sounds like a good idea and assume the hospital gave you the mouth wash



    <div style=”color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961); font-family, etc, etc, etc

    What a mess. I tried to include a photo of the M75 and it seemed to work but it created a mess when I submitted it. I’ve deleted most of it, loads of code like the little bit I’ve left above.

    Try again, without the photo…



    <div style=”color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961); font-family: ed well for

    I don’t believe it, to coin a phrase. I think it was because I was still in visual mode.

    Try again in text mode…

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by  iang.


    She tried at our local Boots without success then tried the pharmacy that’s attached to our GP’s surgery and they ordered one for her. Googling Limbo Elbow Protector shows they seem to be much more readily available online now, including from Amazon.

    This is the LimbO UK website:

    You can see a photo of the Limbo M75 by selecting Elbow / PICC on the home page, then selecting 11 to 17 stone. I think they’ve actually used the same photo for the M65 and M75.

    My PICC line entry point was about half way between my elbow joint and my armpit so I had to wear the Limbo higher up than is shown in the picture. Note that the forearm hole is smaller than the upper arm hole.

    I’ve got quite modest arm muscles but the large (M75) version was quite tight (but it worked well for me). If you select the over 17 stone or large arm circumference option here:
    they will make one to your dimensions at no extra cost.

    Yes, Caphosol mouthwash is supplied, it comes in quite large packs. You can also get Difflam if you think you need it. The purpose of Caphosol is to prevent or reduce mucositis, Difflam is for pain relief but may also reduce mucositis.

    I’m still being treated at Barts, by the way. I was referred there by my local hospital for my SCT and I haven’t gone back. One of the Barts consultants gave me the choice of going back or continuing with them, but pretty much steered me towards staying with them, and I’m happy with that. My local hospital only had a locum myeloma consultant at the time.

    Good luck, Ian

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