Blood reap

This topic contains 8 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  ellen 12 years, 2 months ago.

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    My son was dianosed last September but he lives in Abu Dhabi but is hopeing to come to the UK for his blood reap and I was talking to his wife on skype tonight and she said there are some people who refuse this treatment, is there anybody on the discussion forum who has refused it and can you tell me why.



    Hi Rita

    Am sorry to hear about your son, but I can't help you with this one, just wanted to wish your son good luck..

    Tom Onwards and Upwards xx



    Hi Rita

    Sorry I'm like Tom I cannot help but hope someone will come along soon that will be able too. My best to your son
    Love Jean x



    Hi – it is a little difficult to answer your question as I do not understand what some people are refusing. Do you mean that they don't want a transplant?
    Can you find another word to explain ' blood reap'?



    I wonder if by ?Blood Reap? you mean stem cell harvest? This is a procedure where a patient?s stem cells are collected prior to a stem cell transplant. A stem cell transplant is standard treatment for myeloma patients who are able to tolerate it and is carried out very routinely in the UK.

    To read more about the procedure, including harvest, please have a look at our Infoguide ?High-Dose Therapy and Autologous Stem Cell Transplantation? which you can find on our website here:

    Alternately, I can send you a hard copy if you email me at or call the Myeloma Infoline on 0800 980 3332 with your mailing address.

    Best wishes




    Hi my son has multiple myeloma and is coming to the UK and Blood reap i believe is when they take the blood from your arm and then you received high dose of kimo and they clean the blood and put it back into your veins and then hopefully you produce goodplatelets again not the cancer ones



    Thank you Ellen for your reply have you yourself received this treatment it was my daughter in law who said some paitents have refuesed this treatment as you can imagine my son Lives in Abu Dhabi so I cannot pop around the corner to see him I speak to him on Skype but I think he keeps a lot from me so I will not get upset he is 46 and was diagrosed last Sepptember



    I'm not a patient but I speak to many patients and their families every day, either on the Myeloma Infoline or via email.

    It must be so hard for you being so far from your son, please don't worry about picking up the phone and calling me or Maggie or emailing us. That is absolutely why we are here.

    However, we are off after 3pm today until the 2nd of January so if you aren?t able to call today, you can read about stem cell harvest and transplant and many other aspects of myeloma and its treatment here on our website, just click on ?Patient Services? at the top of this page.

    Best wishes




    Hi 'Gartocharn',
    If you wish to speak to someone who is a patient and who has had a transplant, you can email me. My email is
    Once we make email contact we could exchange phone numbers, and if you wish, I could phone you.
    Otherwise, you could wait until the holidays are over and then speak to Ellen the nurse.
    I do not mind if you speak to me on Christmas day….
    Best wishes,

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