Blood tests

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  shaun3 5 years, 11 months ago.

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    Hi All
    I have seen on another group that people often refer to their blood test results. is there anywhere i can find details of blood tests as in what should be checked, and how to understand results. I do have print out of my last results but have no idea what they mean. What is a high reading what is a low reading ..its all so confusing.



    Hi Sylvia

    The general view seems to be that this sort of thing is best left to qualified GPs and haematologists based on your individual circumstances rather than try and second guess what all the different parameters mean. At the end of the day this is what they are paid for and they should flag up any areas of concern and answer any questions. I think it would be too easy to draw the wrong conclusion.

    I do agree that it is a good idea to ask for a print out and keep for reference purposes.

    Hope this helps.




    I tend to agree that we should let the experts worry about the blood tests but Myeloma UK have an info guide about blood tests

    best wishes



    Hi Sylvia,

    Sorry to hear tht you’re having difficulty understanding our blood test results. I was diagnosed a year ago and whilst I am lucky to have 2 brilliant consultants I’m the sort of person tht wants to understand as much s possible too. I think its important to challenge the doctors too as there isn’t a cure and no single agreed way of treating Myeloma. I found this really useful and hope you will too:

    Take care and good luck!


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