
This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  debbieg 7 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #132690


    Hi everyone

    I shall be starting velcade in the next few months. Can anyone tell me whether you have to have bloods done before each injection ? Also does anyone get their bloods done at your GP surgery to save a hospital visit.

    Thanks and best wishes




    Hi Susie

    Thank you for posting on the Discussion Forum. I am sorry that no-one has commented on your post to date – I am sure they will in due course. My name is Debbie and I am one of the Myeloma Information Specialists here at Myeloma UK.

    The haematology team at your hospital will be able to advise you on their practice. There is some variation on timing of blood tests at different hospitals – this is sometimes because of doctors preference but it can also be related to an individual patient’s situation. Depending on your current blood levels the doctor may be happy with a set of bloods at the beginning of each cycle of treatment, but others may like to see a reading more frequently.

    If you live a distance from the hospital where you will be receiving treatment it might be possible to arrange to have bloods done locally at the GP practice. Again talk with your team about this. As long as the GP practice is happy to take the bloods, and they have instructions on what is required (usually written on a blood test form provided by your haematology team that you can pass on) this can work well.

    If you have any further questions, please feel free to email directly to or alternatively if you would like to talk things through please call us on the Myeloma Infoline on 0800 980 3332.

    With best wishes

    Debbie Gardiner
    Myeloma Information Nurse Specialist

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