Blue Badge

This topic contains 10 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  steverowley 8 years, 8 months ago.

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    Someone told me the other day that as a cancer patient your eligible for a disabled badge. Does anyone know if this is the case.

    I am having quite severe back pain these days but the medics say its not the Myeloma but damaged discs and bad general wear and tear. I hope they are correct because I had a plasmacytoma in the sacral bones at the start of my M M journey.

    Best wishes to all




    you willl have to make a application for moterbiliity if you meat criteria then b lue badge you must not b ed able to walk 250 yard as without problems xx



    Hi Susie

    As Ann says, I don’t think it is automatic, just because you have MM. You need to make the case, for me lack of stamina, fatigue from the chemo and spinal damage limit my mobility, particularly towards the end of the day when I get tired. Your specialist nurse,local Macmillan centre or benefits advisor should be able to help you fill the form in and,or provide a letter of support.

    Hope this helps.




    Contact MacMillan, they sorted mine out initially, there is I think some arrangements for terminal cancer patients Good luck Jeff



    HI, as Jeff says contact Macmillan they will help you to complete the necessary paperwork. In my case Leicester CC received the completed form, phoned me and we did the payments over the phone. Cost was £10 for 3 years
    Tony F



    Thank you all for your replies.

    I hate to think I am approaching a time when I need a blue badge, Its like accepting I’m getting past it. I’ll see how it goes. People seeing me walk would most probably not see much wrong, but I’m in agony when I walk any distance, so much so I just have to sit for a while. I will do it via Macmillian.

    best wishes




    Hi Susie Afraid that feeling comes to us all, I hate having to use a walking stick, but needs must!! I think we have enough to deal with,anything that makes it easier is welcome Take care Jeff xx



    Hi Susie,

    If you have the higher rate mobility award on DLA and I suppose PIP you automatically qualify for a blue badge.

    Every day is a gift.

    Andy xx



    Hi Andy

    Nice to hear from you. How are you doing, well I hope.

    I don’t claim any of the mentioned benefits. I struggle on with this back which may be daft, but that’s me.

    Best wishes




    Hi Susie.

    I’m doing ok though it looks like my treatment is starting to fail.

    I’m actually sat in the sun on the Greek island of Kefalonia writing this post. It’s our first trip abroad since my little run in with pneumonia.

    As regard to the blue badge I think every council has different qualifying criteria so your local council maybe the place to start.

    Time for a beer now – Yamas

    Every day is a gift.

    Andy xxx




    Hi Susie,

    I successfully applied for a Blue Badge last year at the suggestion of family and friends.

    I didn’t want to think that I had reached that stage in my life but realised what an advantage the badge could be. I have problems getting out of the car at times and need to be able to open the door wide, which a blue badge space allows.

    I also find that walking any great distance causes fatigue, so any help re parking near to supermarket entrances etc etc, is a great advantage.

    The badge can also be used abroad and as we visit Spain quite a lot, I find it a very useful asset.

    The application questionaire is not too daunting and it’s just a matter of answering it honestly and accurately. If you do so, then you should have no problem.

    With all good wishes,








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