Bone marrow biopsy

This topic contains 10 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Gill 14 years, 1 month ago.

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    Hi everyone out there and a Happy New Year!

    Just thought I would write an update about my mum which I thought may cheer up anyone about to go ahead with the same procedure. My mum had her first bone marrow biopsy last week at Princess Alexandra Hospital in Harlow. She was quite worried as she had heard that it could be painful, and I already knew they only gave local anaesthetic as I had spoken with the nurse the week before. As soon as we got in there we told the doctors that mum had an awful endoscopy procedure last year that left her saying that she would never have another one. We told them that she didn't want a similar experience and didn't want to feel any pain. The doctors were really nice but I think we worried the one who was going to do it, so a different doctor carried out the procedure. Apart from the initial injections to numb down to the bone, she didn't feel any pain from the biopsy, just the sensation of pressure. The doctor kept asking her if she could still feel the needle and until she said no he didn't start the biopsy.
    I was so pleased for her as now she wouldn't mind having another one in the future. I believe the hospital are also planning to use gas and air in the future, but she really didn't need it.
    I appreciate doctors and hospitals vary but it just goes to show that it needn't hurt and that they can keep giving the local block until you are completely numb.
    For anyone about to have this procedure, I would recommmend making sure you tell the doctor beforehand that you don't expect to feel any pain. I think it pays to be direct with them, after all it is your body they are
    playing with.
    We just have to wait now until the end of February when mum goes back for her next consultation. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the biopsy will be ok and her protein levels may have dropped so she doesn't have to start any treatment. She feels really well apart from getting tired, but she is 85 and takes co-codamol amongst other medication, so the tiredness could be due to that. I read the other day about a man who had been diagnosed with Leukaemia, but now the doctors can't find any sign of it even though he hadn't even started any treatement. Miracles can happen.
    All the best to you all.



    Hi Sandie how lovely to hear that your mums doctors really listened and responded so well to your request . I agree with you that being direct and telling them you expect no pain is a good approach Unfortunately some doctors are better than others in this procedure and if you get a duff one its awful Heres hoping its good news when your mum sees the doctor next love Bridget



    Hi Sandie

    How brave of your Mum to under go such an evasive procedure at 85, I have to say if I'd reached that age I think a few choice swear words would have told them where to go!!!!!
    It is good to hear that the Dr's did listen to you and were sensitive to your Mum's needs at least. Like Bridget I have had varying experiences of BMB's, with my last one being the most painful ( I don't think the Dr cared in the slightest!).
    I hope your Mum responds well to any treatment she may have
    Love Sharon x



    Hi Sandie
    I am so pleased to hear that your Mum's experience of BMB was pain free. Like Bridget and Sharon, I have had several of these and only one was so painful that it prompted me to write an official letter of complaint to the hospital. This was well worth the effort as my most recent BMB was carried out by a more experienced doctor who was most concerned with my well being and the result was a pain free procedure.
    Well done for speaking up and making your concerns known to the doctors who then took the appropriate steps to ensure that your Mum was as comfortable as possible.
    I do realise that these young doctors need practical experience to perfect their technique ~ but I'm not brave enough to let them practice on me!!!!! >:-(
    Best wishes to you and your Mum and I hope the results of her BMB are good.
    Love Nettie x



    Thanks Nettie
    I agree, I think we did the right thing in having a go before they even started. It obvously scared the one doctor who then got his more qualified colleague to do the procedure. In fact we had seen that doctor before in the clinic.
    Power to the patients I say!!!
    Best wishes.



    Thanks Bridget
    If she ever has to have it done again I think we would ask for the same doctor. He obviously did listen to her and ensured that enough local was put in place so she didn't feel anything. Just goes to prove that it needn't ever be painful, and I feel sorry for anyone out there who has had a bad time. To all of you, make sure you tell the doctors before they start that you don't expect to feel any pain. It can be done!!!
    Best wishes



    Hi Sharon
    I am so sorry you experienced such a painful time. I hope you had someone with you for support. If they had hurt my mum I would have had a right go at them. She was very calm and a good patient, but had she felt pain she would have stopped them, and would never have had the procedure repeated. We told them that before they started so they knew our feelings on the matter. The doctors were nice which helped and perhaps because of her age they were extra careful I don't know..
    If you have to have it done again do insist they they give you anaesthetic right down to the bone and that they don't start the procedure until you can't feel anything. That is what the nurse told me they would do and they were true to their word.
    Best wishes.



    Hi Sandie

    I had my last biopsy at the hospital where they did by sct not my local hospital and they did offer me some sedation which as I'd never been offered it at my local hospital and had coped fine, so I thought I wouldn't need it!! I will next time! Also at my local hospital a nurse always helps the Dr and is there for you too, it was just me and the Dr at the QE! Although I always have a close relative with me ( usually my husband or my mum) I don't like them to stop with me while they do it as I know its not a nice procedure. I know next time I will tell them what I want!
    Hope things are going ok with your mum

    Love Sharon



    Hi everyone yesterday I had a near perfect biopsy Heres how it went 9am I arrived and was met by the only nurse on the unit who inspires fear and dread in me !! Its not her fault she is a very large girl but she is brutal at putting cannulas in , on one occasion she made 6 attempts before giving But yesterday went like a dream , although she certainly hasnt got the gentle touch !! A lovely doctor , who I swear was about 12, explained the procedure and was ready in less than 5 minutes , speedy I like . After rearranging me on the bed I was fast asleep in under 5 minutes and I didnt feel a thing .What made me laugh though is being woken by a worried nurse 2 hours later , she couldnt understand why I had been in such a long deep sleep when I had only had 2mg of the sedative. I am convinced its because I want to be asleep so much that I go under so easily No pain util the local wore off later but that I can handle Thankyou to the biopsy fairy who watched over me Hope you are all enjoying the weekend despite the gail force winds love Bridget x



    Hi Brdget
    So glad all was nearly pain free yesterday, hope the result is positive as well!!

    Nurses are so awful!! There you were having a lovley sleep and they woke you up!! Typical!!

    Love sarah



    I am so pleased that the biopsy fairy was there for you. Fingers crossed that your results are good Gill xx

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