Both parents diagnosed – their consultants never come across it before!!

This topic contains 6 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Vicki 10 years ago.

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    Hi.  I am relatively new to this site so please be gentle with the “newbie”.

    My father was diagnosed with MM in 2009 and was in remission until 2013 when my mother was then diagnosed.  My father’s then returned as my mother went into remission.  Sadly, my father passed away just before Christmas 2014.  My mother has just had a routine consultants appointment and been told that hers has reared its ugly head again.

    My parents’ consultants both confirmed they had never come across a husband and wife being diagnosed with the same condition and I wondered if any of you out there have.  Someone has suggested it could have been a contaminant they both came into contact with that triggered it but I don’t know anyone who can tell me.



    Dear Jaxx

    Thank you for your post, my name is Jude and I am one of the Myeloma Information Specialists here at Myeloma UK.

    I am sorry that no one, as yet, has replied to your post. This may be because no one on the Forum has experience of both parents being diagnosed with myeloma; I hope this won’t put you off posting on the Forum in the future. I am also very sorry to hear that you recently lost your dad to myeloma.

    The causes of myeloma are still poorly understood. However, it is believed to be caused by an interaction of both genetic and environmental factors. There are thought to be multiple environmental factors which may increase the risk of developing myeloma. For example, exposure to specific chemicals, radiation, viruses and a weakened immune system are considered potential trigger factors. It is likely that myeloma develops when an individual carrying a certain set of genes makes them susceptible (at risk) to one or probably several of these environmental factors. The fact that both your mum and your dad were diagnosed with myeloma does lend support to the theory that environmental factors have a part to play in the development of myeloma, but unfortunately we just don’t currently know enough to say with much certainty what these might be.

    I hope this has been of some help and perhaps one of the Forum users will come along with something to share. However if you do have any questions that I can help with please do not hesitate to get in touch either by email to or by calling the freephone Myeloma Infoline on 0800 980 3332; I or one of my colleagues would be very happy to talk things through with you.

    With best wishes



    Hi , Sorry to hear you lost your father in 2014, and that Mam is also poorly .
    Slightly different, but in the same vein, My father died of MM in 2008 , i was diagnosed in 2003, but never told him, but I have always been told MM is not hereditary, again my consultants were amazed when i told them dad died of MM , so there are things about this disease we don,t yet know i,m afraid .
    Good luck to Mam, and wish you well too.
    Kind Regards.
    Mike. x



    Hi.  Thank you for posts.  I sadly lost my mum last night.  She was too weak to start chemo despite blood transfusion.  Her kidneys were failing and in the end could take no more.  Cannot believe I have lost them both within three months and mum was doing so well after dad died.  Absolutely devastated.



    Hi Jaxx. What can I say? Im so sorry to hear of your loss. I hope you have family and/or friends around you to support you.

    Love Rosie x



    I am so stunned to hear your news of your parents.  You must be beside yourself. There is so much about this disease that we don’t understand.  I wish you well , it will take a long time to get over so my distraugh

    diagnosed with MM in 2014 with kidney failure of 6% so it is all of great concern.  Its not an easy disease to get your head around.  God Bless You . I know I don’t know you but I really do wish you well for the future and send my sympathy at this very sad time. God Bless You , Amanda.



    I am so sorry to read and hear this news, it’s shocking. I can’t believe you have had to suffer this. Thinking of you at a sad and distressing time


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