
This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  alanr 2 years ago.

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  • #147639


    Hi Alanr,
    I have experienced similar issues to you. I was diagnosed with Myeloma in October 2018. In February 2022, I noticed breathlessness/ chest discomfort when walking up hills. My CSN suggested that I speak with my GP, who referred me to my local hospital with possible Agina. I eventually had a CT SCan of my Coronary Arteries. The scan showed that I had some furring of one of my Arteries, but no more than she would expect for a woman of my age. I’m 72. So no confirmation that I have Angina, or that my symptoms are due to the Myeloma medication. However, the cardiologist, has suggested the I take cholesterol tablets, once the trial I’m on is over. So I still don’t have a definite diagnosis ! However, I do have a GNT spray…..just in case.
    Best wishes, Terry



    Hi Terry. Almost snap – I’m 72 and diagnosed in October 2018! Thank you for responding. I held off replying because I was seeing a cardiologist privately last night and thought I would see what he said. He is planning to treat my angina with medication, and if that doesn’t work will do an angiogram to see if the original ablation is still OK. He is not keen on using stents because if my blood thinners need to be stopped for any reason I will be at high risk of clots, but we will have to wait and see. I have had high ferritin levels and he wonders if the breathlessness might be caused by high levels of iron in my heart, because the heart function seems OK. We are looking at doing a special MRI scan of my heart to see if that is the case. Anyway, it is some progress and I have a way forward. I hope you manage to get your condition sorted. Best wishes, Alan

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