Bump in the road

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  lillian221257 7 years, 10 months ago.

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    Hi I’ m new to this forum.My husband was diagnosed in Nov 16.We’ve been steadily dealing with the appointments and treatment and apart from a week of flu🙁 and dental extractions🙁 he has dealt with the VTD quite well . A pattern developed and we felt as though we were coping… until today when we were told the PP’s had spiked! He had such a good response after the first 4 cycles – a dramatic drop initially. We know that following another blood test they will look at the next alternative but it did knock us a little. Just wondering if this is something that others have experienced?



    <p style=”text-align: left;”>This happened to me with CTD, very good for 4 cycles then the pp started going up again. I got moved on to VCD which did the trick, I had a stem cell transplant and a year of remission. I’m about to start treatment again, probably Velcade and Dex. The nurse today was encouraging me with all the new treatments coming onstream now. If one drug combination stops working there are usually alternatives that will do the trick.</p>



    That’s reassuring- thank you. Stem cell transplant is also on the cards for him. It is a very individual cancer or so it seems. Hope all goes well with your next treatment and like the specialists say the advances are there for this type of cancer. Thanks again -I’ll pass this on to my husband 👍

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