Can we choose a hospital

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  FOXLEY 12 years, 1 month ago.

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    My husband has had a spinal operation in the Western General in Edinburgh and we feel he has better care than our nearest hospital which is Forth Valley. Can we choose a hospital where he will receive his treatment?



    Hi Maureen

    I would not base your knowledge of one department on were you should have treatment,your husband ,s treatment for spinal work,might be different from the cancer unit,some have just designated wards and some are better than others.
    My husband had a choice of 3 local hospitals for treatment,we chose the one first attended as he had been in there for 3 days and it was excellent,but he had a nother spell in hospital with pneumonia and after ITU went to a general ward,as they said although caused by MM it was not directly related,it was awful and since then on two occasions I have stood my ground in A&E,and fought to get him a bed on the main unit,not easy.
    So do look at the hospital from all aspect.The treatment and consultants are the same in the area,its the care that you should be looking at,specialised wards are very important. Eve



    Hi Maureen,
    I would also add that travel time to the hospital is an important consideration too. I don't know what your husband's treatment plan is but if it involves a stem cell transplant you will be making endless visits when you are both very tired.

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