
This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  sammy65 9 months, 2 weeks ago.

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    Following a recent unsuccessful approval by NICE for availability of Car-t treatment in UK, is Myeloma UK aware of any pending updates about Car-t?



    Hi Sammy

    I’m also very keen to find out more about the availability of Car-T. As I understand it, it’s not available because of supply issues. Could be something to do with Brexit and the regulatory body changing, but not 100% that’s the only reason.

    I believe it’s used in US and some European countries. I’d love to know what the success rate and side effects are. If other people benefit from Car-T, I hope the powers that be approve it for U.K.




    Hi Anne,

    I understand that the provider has withdrawn their proposal due to manufacturing issues of Car-T in UK. As you have said, the reasons are more complex than the one major reason. I would like to know what happens next to making Car-T available as treatment protocol in the UK. I have not looked at Car-T in US in detail as I am aware that it has been available in US for some time. The EU case is more interesting as it is more recent and its treatment ‘lines’ are similar to UK. Car-T has become available to EU patients recently, in February 2024 for people who who have received at least 1 prior therapy.

    It was approved on the basis of a clinical trial which compared a medical specialist’s choice of either pomalidomide, bortezomib and dexamethasone (PVd) or daratumumab, pomalidomide and dexamethasone (DPd) until disease progression. It was found that people who received Car-T had a stronger and deeper remission compared to people in the standard treatment group.

    Here is the link for Cartitude 4 trial:

    Regarding the side effects, Car-T has fewer side effects on immunosuppression than standard medications. Its main side effects are during administration of the treatment.

    I would like to know if Myeloma UK is undertaking some actions on the government level to make Car-T available in UK. There is clearly a gap for a treatment with less immunosuppressive side effects that is already on the market. For people who are on lenalidomide maintenance like myself, neutropenia side effect can lead to breaks in the treatment and premature death. Most standard medications have this side effect, so Car-t can in principle give people a form of respite from those traditional side effects while keeping myeloma supressed.

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