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    Has anyone or anyone’s consultant heard or been told that Myeloma patients should or should not use CBD?



    Personally I’d steer clear of CBD since it’s mainly a money making machine for Americans. Yes there are some medical conditions it may assist, but in respect of cancer and from what I’ve seen there is no medical evidence nor any in depth conclusive trials to even suggest it may be of benefit. Much of the word of mouth CBD business, and make no mistake it is a money generating business, is based on false claims. A relative of mine was foolish enough to buy, illegally, this substance from the US for his Lung Cancer, the only effect was to make him cough up blood, but other that that it showed no effect whatsoever after making himself sicker than he might have otherwise been.



    Much like the Curcurmin fraud by Aggarwal at MD Anderson – money corrupts. Here was a well credentialed biochemist who did a post-doc at a major institution and did research on TNF cytokines at Genentech before leading research at MD Anderson. But then, setting up Curry Pharma, and faking results for his papers, he jumped onto the quackery bandwagon. And got away with it for over a decade.



    I’d also be interested to know if cbd oil would be something that the doctors recommend. I only had a partial response to chemotherapy, this prompted me into taking curcumin. Over the last 12 months i have found this has given me similar results and continues to bring my paraprotein level down. If this stops working for me then I would be willing to try cbd oil as another alternative.



    I think you will find there is no credible evidence that CBD works in the patient – in the test tube it might have effect https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27769052/ but that proves nothing. The clinical trial in the patient https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT03607643 sponsored by Leaf Vertical has never recruited anyone. Leaf Vertical are all too happy to sell stuff to you https://adisinsight.springer.com/drugs/800052670 though.



    Curcumin never affected my paraprotein levels one way or the other after three years of using it. Paraprotein levels are know to rise an fall anyway. Mind you, both my arthritis and gut benefited.



    As for CBD, I’ve spoken to many Consultants and none have recommended it ever. It’s still being investigated and could prove dangerous for the reasons stated here –
    increased heart rate
    blood pressure problems
    mood changes
    memory problems
    Cannabis that contains high levels of THC can cause panic attacks, hallucinations and paranoia.

    There are also many cannabis based products available online without a prescription. The quality of these products can vary. It is impossible to know what substances they might contain. They could potentially be harmful to your health and may be illegal.

    Added to this, at least 140 medications are known to interact with CBD and 57 of those can give serious interactions, sometimes potentially fatal. I know people grasp at straws with serious illness, but please do nothing without talking it over in detail with your Consultant, because you could end up in hospital as a relative of mine did taking CBD for lung cancer.

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