CDT finished…great results!

This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  mhnevill 11 years, 3 months ago.

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    Have been 9 days off all drugs and feeling less spaced out every day. All cancer markers are within normal ranges (paraprotein, immunoglobin a, beta 2) except lambda light chains and light chain ratio. But even lambda light chains are down to 61 (normal up to 26.3) and ratio between kappa and lambda 0.14 (0.02 is normal) so gotta be happy with that.

    Waiting on appointment with Hammersmith Hospital for SCT and another bone marrow biopsy (but I started this journey with only 25% myeloma cells in biopsy at diagnosis, so fingers crossed!)

    It seemed such a long 18 weeks and I really struggled through the CDT drug therapy, but it was worth it!




    Woops -ratio of 0.20 is normal not 0.02



    Hi Carol

    Well you got there,,now for SCT,if you can I would have a holiday while you are waiting,will recharge the battery,s read for SCT.good luck.Eve



    Thanks Eve..I have asked for a phased return to work while I wait for SCT (still no app't at Hammersmith Hospital) as I am now on half pay…so no holiday if the consultant approves the return. But…I must say I am checking out all the fantastic last minute cruise deals. After all how important is money in the grand scheme of life?




    Hi Carol

    Yes I would agree!! eve



    Hi Carol

    I'm so pleased for you. I know just how it feels to finish CDT. It is marvellous as your appetite returns and your hair gets back to normal. Sorry you now have to anticipate SCT. As I am older I did not go down that route, I am mow 15 months into remission.

    Love and best wishes for the next stage. Don't push yourself too hard.

    Mavis x

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