Celebration of Stephen's Life

This topic contains 5 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  mhnevill 11 years, 3 months ago.

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    Hi all,

    I am still struggling with the word funeral, we had a service at the crematorium in the morning, for family. It turned out to be nearly 50 people, so many of our friends are really family to us. It felt like it was going to be a very sad occasion. When I saw Steve's brothers, our son Adam and some of his closest friends carying him into the chapel, I wept and wept, but then the music we had chosen started and it made me smile. It was so perfect. Steve loved Frank Zappa, and we chose Peaches en Regalia. Most of you will not know it but it was so full of pomp and celebration, it was perfect. The service was short but lovely, I cried but I laughed as well, but I still could not believe that is was really Steve we were talking about. I still don't somehow, I am still in denial. You are right Eve, the funeral does not always give closure. I still think he will walk through the door, or call me and tell me to fetch him home from hospital.
    In the afternoon we had planned a Celebration of Stephen's life as a memorial. My school allowed me to use the school hall and it was brimming over, they had to bring in extra chairs. Some of my Sixth form students acted as ushers and helped people find their way, and handed out programmes. It was an amazing afternoon, and lasted two hours, Stephen's brothers played and sang, his band played with Carys, our daughter, singing and his brother taking Steve's solo's, one of our friends played some blues tunes that Steve had taught him, our son Adam read a letter that steve had written him and many people spoke, remembering Steve in so many ways. It was wonderful, we really did him proud. We ended up all singing 'House of the Rising Sun' with the band and all the musicians playing. This was one of Steve's favourites and he loved when people joined in. I just kept thinking that he would have loved to have been there, having a great jam, we should have done this while he was still well enough to enjoy it. He had carpal tunnel syndrome in his hands as a result of the amyloidosis and had not picked up a guitar in some time, although he had said he might on the morning before he died. I did manage to say a few words at the end, I was really not sure if I could manage and I nearly lost it on more than one occasion but the support of my children and friends carried me through
    I am attaching the address to a website that my son's girlfriend made to give details of the funeral, it has many pictures of Steve, and a copy of the programme for the celebration in case any of you might be interested to see it. You will see that we set up a Just Giving page for people to donate to Myeloma UK in his memory, people have been so generous.
    Thank you so much for all the messages of condolence and support, I am sorry I have not answered them individually, I am afraid I have found this really difficult to do,

    Much love to you all, Mari xxx




    Hi Mari

    Well as they would say up north,yea did him proud girl.

    It must have been,a good celebration ,look after yourself Mari,and remember we are there for you.Love Eve



    Dear Mari,

    You really did celebrate Stephen's life, I am sure he would have loved it.

    Take care, keep in touch


    Tina XX



    The funeral mustr have been one of the hardest things you have ever done. It's over now and there are still more memories for you concerning Stephen and his life. Look after yourself for your private journey is just beginning. Today is the start of the rest of your life.



    Hi Mari

    What a lovely service. I'm sure Stephen would be looking down and thanking all of you.

    You will be lonley for a while but focus on the good times you both had and take care of yourself.

    Email me anytime.

    Love Maureen x



    Hi Mari

    It sounds as if you had a really great celebration of Stephen's life. I am sure that you found it very comforting to realize just how many, and how much folk appreciated Stephen. This was the last thing you could do for Stephen. I am glad it it was so special.

    Lots of love for the coming days.

    Mavis x

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