Channel 4 documentary

This topic contains 18 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  tom 12 years, 8 months ago.

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    This post has been removed by Myeloma UK due to inappropriate content.

    We would like to apologise for any distress caused.

    Myeloma UK WebTeam



    I think you would be better putting your posting Off Topic as People on here are living with Cancer,not dying with it!!!!!!:-P



    Lol Eve and do you know that is Correct I aing going nowhere this next 12 months apart from abroad on our holls Lol xxx

    Tom "Onwrds and Upwards" xxxx



    Good for you Tom and all those people who live with Cancer.
    There are some Freaks around LOL.
    Still got NZ in are sight,but do not mind a bit of France,in Fact I would settle for any were,Love Eve



    Eve and Tom, I have to say your posts just made me chuckle:-) I had seen this post on the Treatment section and have to say it disturbed me a bit!! Now I have seen your comments I'm smiling x x x x



    Rachael is right. I was so upset when I read it under treatment earlier. Thanks Eve and Tom for your comments. Put a smile on my face!!
    Love Jean x



    And for those smiles I and Eve are eternally Grateful.

    But would it do some good to be aired? it would get Myeloma out in the open rather than just a few thousands that know about it.

    Its just the Gaul of the words that got me IE "[u][b]life-limiting illness[/b][/u]" and Or "[u][b]and have a short time left to live[/b][/u]"
    We with MM are survivers not People waiting for Death.

    That is why I and all us others are "Onwards and Upwards" and "what ever it takes"

    Keep The Smile going 😀

    Love Tom "Onwards and Upwards" xxxx

    Ps I assume Channel 4 and Love Productions have made a substantial donation to Myeloma UK to help in the great work they do 😉



    🙂 🙂 x x x



    I doubt it very much,
    They could do a good documentary on Myeloma,not someone dying of Myeloma.
    But that would not get the ratings going as good as a documentary as a person who is going to die of Myeloma,and don,t forget they gave you a time limit to do it in a year LOL:-P
    If they did a documentary on all the new and exciting drugs coming out,may be donations to Myeloma would go up!!!!!!
    I have had my five minute rant,Love Eve



    Lol Eve I forgot aint none of us in here able to do the TV Programe as we will all be here after the 12 month is up Lol.

    And you are correct they should do one On Myeloma and why Nice take so long to release the drugs and why the drug Company's charge what they do 🙁

    And am sure you are ready for more than your five mins of fame Lol

    Hey Ho "Onwards and Upwards" 🙂 xxxx



    Hi Tom
    My dog has had his 5 min of fame he was on TV,stardom did not go to his head8-),One in the family is enough:-P.
    I do realise these people are young people doing research,but they are suppose to be intelligent,!!!!,Love Eve



    Morning Eve well as you know our Charlie has his 5 mins of fame on face book every time I post a photo he is on it (vain little devil) lol xxx



    Thank god that post was removed – should the user be removed as well?? ive just been on their website and seen the full brief and cannot believe how insensitive and inappropriate some people can be. I know we want to raise the profile of myeloma, as so many people have never heard of it. But not like this. It has to be informative and positive and yes I agree with Tom the drug companies and NICE need to get their act together. I used to work for the NHS so Im fully aware of the pharmacy and prescribing game the PCT play. Rant over.



    Hey Folks

    I also am pleased this post has been removed and am sure we all coped with the insensitive way the Poster put it but am sure we have strong folk on here that can and would say to them where to stick the Camera and the MIC Lol.

    Tom "Onwards and Upwards" xxxx



    yes well said Tom and i would add 'with bells on it' !!!

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