Chest Infection

This topic contains 5 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  kp 8 years, 11 months ago.

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    My husband has MM and has been in remission for over a year now. Our grandson has a chest infection and I wonder if it is okay for them to get together.




    It’s a tough decision when it’s your grandson. I suppose it depends on whether you think he still has the actual cold virus and whether he is still coughing and sneezing with possible spread of the virus. Since being diagnosed with myeloma, my immunity levels are low and I tend to easily catch a cold virus. I also know it now takes me six weeks to recover from a cold and therefore I tend to avoid contact with family and friends if they have a virus.





    I would support Jan’s advice, I had a nasty cough and cold bug over January and February which took a good few weeks to shift, nothing life threatening but has left me feeling washed out. Why take the risk of catching something when young family are likely to shake it off in a few days anyway? I think having MM and the treatment makes on more prone to catching these bugs. Also, I wish some members of the public on trains and buses would learn to use a tissue rather than sneezing and coughing over everyone else!

    Hope this helps.




    To me it’s a no-brainer. When you’ve got MM, it’s all about self preservation and no matter who it is, if they’ve got any sort of infection, stay away from them!!!!

    My family and friends are very good and always stay away if they suspect they have any germs.

    There’s always a chance of catching something when you’re out and about but to knowingly meet with somebody with an infection is not a good idea.




    My advice is simple AVOID anyone with any sort of infection it’s not worth the risk. For your information infections are the biggest cause of death amongst myeloma patients.

    Every day is a gift.




    I agree with above advice to avoid anyone with a known infection. Even in remission your immune system does not get back to full strength. I also find it takes me weeks to get over a simple cold. Don’t risk it.

    Kind regards



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