Complaint to NHS re late diagnosis

This topic contains 32 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  FOXLEY 11 years, 9 months ago.

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    Hi Eve

    Packs arrived and I will take the to the local gp's and hope it can save someone in the future from late diagnosis.

    Ian is getting stronger but still only getting out of bed for 1 hour to let the bed sore heal. He is getting to the gym and cycled for half a mile so it seems promising. His mental state is so much better. I am going to ask around for someone to cut the grass as I can't do it all.

    Hope Slim get good results on 24 May. I have asked for a print out every time Ian gets his bloods taken.

    Maureen x



    Hi Maureen

    So glad to hear the news!!!

    It is important GP know they are getting it wrong!!

    Yes you can not do it all,only your best,this Myeloma can take a carers health away as well ,you are in for the long haul,so allow yourself some down time.

    I am so glad Ian is getting to gym,see if they have a small foot cycle he can use,even weights to build muscle in upper torso,this will help in his recovery,as weather improves make sure he is taken into an open area even if he is in bed,look around you to see what's possible.,young Tom would call it pro active I would call it the norm,you have the best interest at heart for Ian.

    Life might end up different,we can not see the future,but we can adapt with it. love Eve



    Hi Eve

    Ian is cycling half a mile a day on the foot pedals and also lifting weights so building up the muscles. It is very hot in the ward just now and he is only allowed 1 hour in the wheelchair or I would take him outside.

    Got gardener sorted out, now thinking of getting the ironing done.

    Hope Slim's BMB will show a good result.

    Maureen x

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