
This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Vicki 10 years, 9 months ago.

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    Just ben to see doctor today for my 4 monthly check up, was told that my bloods were normal, apart from the para protein which I will not get results for about 10 days, I am a little confused and did not like to ask the doctor, (stupid I know) I was asking about the Kappa/Lambda and Light chains, she told me it was G but hadn’t a clue what this means could anyone help please. My Paraprotein last time was 6.8 is this alright. I have been taking Curcumin for the past 3 months or so and can honestly say I have never felt better. Help would be appreciated.

    Thank you




    Hi Susan

    I’m sorry no one has answered. I guess that what you asked is a bit out of the usual. Ellen on the Help Line is probably your best best.

    As I understand it Mm can either be monitored via PP if folk secrete it, or by light chain readings if they don’t. However, this time my Consultant has asked for my bloods to be tested for both. I think this is belt and braces thing to check if I really am still in remission. (hopefully I will know on May 29th!)

    Your 6.8 PP reading is very low, which is good, lots of folk never get to nil. However, what they really seem to worry about is if things take a steep upturn. Isn’t it a bind having to wait the extra time for the PP results. I now try to make sure I get a blood test at least 10 days before I see the Consultant. He signs a request sheet for me at my previous appointment. This is in addition to the four weekly tests I have when I am taking Zometa when the Lab don’t tend to do PP test. I’m told it’s expensive!

    I hope this helps, but do contact Ellen.

    How do you take your curcumin?

    Very best wishes.




    Hi Mavis


    Thank you for your reply.  My Consultant never seems to give me my blood results, she just says they are normal, you are right it is a pain having to wait for the PP results I have to wait about 10 days, it’s a pity they don’t do the PP when they do the zometa.

    I take the 3 capsules Curcumin  a day, I have to admit, I have never felt better for a long time, told my Consultant about them, she hadn’t heard of them, but wrote it down, she said if they were doing me good continue with them.

    We had a laugh, she was telling me she had been to a meeting and they were saying green tea was good for myeloma, but you had to drink 180 cups per day, can you imagine, you would never be off the loo.

    Thank you again for your reply, and take care, speak to you again I hope.

    Best wishes Susan



    Hi Susan

    Just wanted to say I hope your results are good. As Mavis said your pps are low. Our consultant doesn’t say exactly what the results are just that they are ok, long may that continue!, just keep going and if there are things you believe in, carry on 🙂

    Vick and Colin xx

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