Constipation Dex/Rev

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  BADGER 12 years, 7 months ago.

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    Hi everyone,
    Well I seem to have turned full circle from Diarrhoea to the dreaded constipation all in the space of 3 days.
    I was beginning to enjoy my new born freedom from the bathroom but not for long. Now I'm worried I'm going to burst. I'm on a high fibre diet of muesli and lots of fruit with a dash of senna and I've started on potassium tablets which are also supposed to cause bouts of Diarrhoea,I can't wait.

    All ideas are welcome.




    Movicol Powders (or equivalent brands) that you mix with water are absolutely essential as far as I'm concerned Keith… especially if you are morphine tablets.:-S

    I try to ensure that I take at least one a day when things are good and two a day if I'm feeling bloated. When I feel constipated I will take up to six powders over a six to eight hour period… that normally works but sometimes I'm just too late and a blockage has occurred and I then have to use a liquid pessary as well.:-P

    I had a really bad bout of constipation just over a week ago which was both painful and distressing… this was followed by three or four days of very loose motions… the temptation was to back off the Movicol but I have learned my lesson and persevered. I have now had three days of rumbling gripes and I am still very loose but I'd much prefer that to the constipation.:-|

    It seems that I will have to put this quick switch motions down as a side-effect of Revlimid.. not a bad one but one to monitor and be wary of. Like you I am amazed how quickly the situation can change.:-(




    Thank's for that Dai, first thing I did was to go to my nearest supermarket and stock up with Movicol. Things seem to be moving a little today but I want to be prepared and ready just in case.

    Thank's again…Keith.



    Hello Kieth

    When I was on Thalidomide it was awful I took lactolose that worked for me you can get it over the counter from boots Good luck:-P
    Love Jo x

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