Continuing induction tx after sct?

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  briggs-family1974gmail-com 9 months, 1 week ago.

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    My husband had consultant appt after his sct and had previously been told that because his paraproteins were unmeasurable after 5 cycles that he wouldn’t need to complete 6th cycle (DVDT) after his transplant.
    However at the appt on Thursday he was asked if he wanted to finish 6th cycle.
    Does anyone know if there is a need for this. He’s really reluctant to do last cycle as he was told he wouldn’t need it and obviously feels so much better off the treatment. The option of straight to lenlidomide was given after the 100days also.
    Any advice on best option would be appreciated as it’s sort of been left up to him with no real advice either way.
    Many thanks.




    I will give the best answer that I can on this, but must emphasise that I am a layman with MM, not a professional.

    Although paraproteins are a classic indicator of MM, an unmeasureably low paraprotein level could still be consistent with a level of cancer cells that could be further reduced.

    There are different kinds of MM. For example, mine is kappa light chain MM.

    During chemo treatment (which started in January 2023), my paraproteins went down to immeasurable levels in early March 2023 but my kappa light chains were still continuing to go down before stabilising in late March 2023 (one cycle of 3 weeks later). Therefore it took that extra cycle for the cancer cells to go down to negligible levels (people are supposed to have kappa light chains so mine have stabilised at 25 to 30 from a level of over 3,000 when I was diagnosed).

    Therefore, I suggest getting info on your husband’s MM type (if you don’t know it already), and how the blood test reading for that type compares to a normal level. Paraprotein levels are not that sensitive a test.



    Thankyou. I think his high levels were lambda not sure if that makes a difference?

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