cramps in fingers

This topic contains 5 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  piatkaz 10 years, 9 months ago.

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    Hi All

    Just checking to see if anyone has the same symptons its when I take re,cyclo and dx within a day of taking these my fingers cramp and lock in together I have to force the fingers out and and stretch them with a few aches,It’s doesnt allow me to hold things with my fingers such as pen, knife and folk etc this only usually lasts for the evening and a bit of the next day but clears so not sure which one of the drugs is doing this I’d guess it’s the dex.I have spoke with my new specialist and her baffled so suggested I sopke to my GP very strange.hopefully some one has some ideas.
    \many thanks Ian



    Hallo Ian
    I get intermittent cramp in my fingers and toes, caused I think by Revlimid, but not really a problem. However when visiting Myeloma Beacon I spotted a blog section, with many entries, devoted to cramp. Perhaps you can find some useful help there. It can be very unpleasant so good luck.



    Hi Ian

    I used to get cramps in my fingers and legs when on dex! I thought it was water retention caused by steroids. Anyway the cramps disappeared when I stopped taking dex. Best



    Hi Ian

    Kevin got cramps similar to yours whilst on CDT, especially in the last two cycles but it completely disappeared when he finished treatment. We were told it was a slight bit of pn but Kevin has had a few problems in the past with ‘trigger finger’ and from using a  keyboard a  lot so we thought initially this was coming back.

    I really like the Myleoma Beacon for its depth of information, its polls and links to research so hopefully as another member suggested you will find the info you are looking for.

    I hope it will disappear once your treatment finishes.




    Thanks for the reply’s I was given Quinine sulphate and take it on the first and second day’s of taking steroids and it is really helping with the cramps.
    Many thanks Ian

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