
This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  annkhoward 7 years ago.

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    Hi All,

    I would be interested to learn if anyone takes Curcumin and if so, do they find it does help control their paraprotein levels and at what dose.

    I’ve been reading about it some having success and have spoken to my consultant about who thinks it’s worth a try. I have two more cycles of treatment to go and thought I would start it when treatment is finished.

    Happy and Healthy New Year to everyone




    Hello again Susie – the topic related to the use of curcumin has been previously discussed at some length in this treatment section, about 2 months ago, and can be found in Micheal Aston’s initial post entitled: “curcumin case report”.  Which, along with the subsequent posts is well worth a read.   Hope you find it so…?

    Happy new year to you – Peter

    P.S.  We have a supply of curcumin, sourced from the U.S.   It’s a very fast, cheap and efficient delivery system, and later, if you’re interested, I’ll ask my wife (Val) to post the details for you.




    I take Turmeric and have done since 4 months post transplant. I don’t know if it helps or not, but there are some interesting articles stating it has some anti-Myeloma effects. From an anti-inflammatory point of view it really helped when I had frozen shoulders. I think anything is worth  try. Good luck.




    Hi Sue. Thanks for your reply. Were your paraproteins measurable when you started taking Turmeric and if so have they dropped as a result. Also what dose did you take. ?

    Best Wishes




    Hi Susie

    I have light chain myeloma (lambda) so never had a paraprotein other than after transplant when I developed oligoclonal banding. Regarding dosage rightly or wrongly I increased my dosage over several months and now take 2.4g a day. I also take apricot kernels. Time will tell. After transplant I was MRD negative so I’m praying I still am.




    After treatment with vel/dex in 2015 following initial diagnosis, I had 7/1/2 months before relapse, at which point I had a course of CDT.  Shortly after that finished I tried curcumin .  Although it had a very good effect initially, after a while I had persistent diarrhoea so changed the type of  pill.  The diarrhoea stopped but next blood tests showed stable M band, rising free light chains, falling Ls, ULCs & creatinine.  My consultant interpreted these results as progressive myeloma and proposed starting a new course of treatment, which I asked to delay.  I have now begun taking another kind of pill & in the evening with food, so no side-effects.  I’ll try to report back after March, especially if it works!  If anyone knows what the best kind of curcumin is please let us know.  Excuse abbreviations, trying to be brief.

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