Currently being diagnosed with possible MM or MGUS.. Help!

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  annlynn 9 years, 4 months ago.

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    Hi guys,

    I’ve just joined the site an would love some advice!

    Upon a routine blood test in September  to check for gout, my bloods showed elevated calcium and protein. Further blood tests carried out by my GP showed  a monoclonal para protein and elevated serum kappa.

    All this has literally been double Dutch too me! But GP advised me that this protein was not normal and indicative of some sort of disease likely Multiple Mylema.

    I now have a dredded wait to see Hemotologist and I’m worried sick! I’m 36 year old male no dependants. Just really want any advice on initial symptoms, diagonostic tests I can expect. Apart from recently being diagonosed with Gout in July I am healthy and have no obvious health issues aside from occasional back pain which  is not really that troublesome.

    I am probably a little self confessed hypercondriac but it appears that now I definitely have an issue and I’m worried sick! Any help, advice on the protein or anything would be so grateful!

    Thanks in advance




    hy there . difficult one to answer. my situation was chronic back pain protien present in urine and bloods after tests for other things kidney infections ect i was sent to hemotologist x rays mri scan and bone marrow biopsy which. unfortunately showed myeloma .. all very scarey i cant lie the unknown is difficult i was dealt with quickly and efficiently by my local hospital team six secions of cdt a short break then a stem cell transplant last august im in remmision doing well as many on this forum are its a good one to be on these people have been there and most of us got the tea shirt as they say ..keep positive until you know what your dealing with your young. and as you reamarked fit so. your in a good position. best wishes to you take each day at a time and ask anything you want xx ann



    Many thanks Ann – I appreciate your response.

    It is fantastic to hear that you are in remission! You must have been very brave and have pleased you have got through it.

    With regards to your very first symptoms – more specifically you chronic back pain was that always present in your condition and was the pain quite intense? I do get sporadic back pains for several months but pain is quite bearable to be honest and some days it is there and some days its gone!

    I see the Hemotaligist in a couple of weeks and since then just need to try not to think about it. At this stage I have not had any xrays/ urine tests etc main abnormality so far was evidence of the M protein which I understand is known to exist in all MM patients.

    Have a good weekend Ann x





    hy. yes my back pain was very bad but on close inspection i had two broken vertabra so that hadnt helped i was initionally told i had kidney infection then when that didnt clear up with antibiotics further investigation showed my myeloma . i have been to a info r mation day today at ramside hall very good but lots of people there were diagnosed completly diffrently to me were all diffrent. good luck. keep us all posted ann

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